CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2021 - E2158. Grading audit trail

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Problem Definition

After an instructor gave a grade to an assignment, there is no way to track who gave the grade. Any instructor can assign/edit a grade freely. There is no way of tracking who did it.

A grading audit trail must be created and the following information needs to be stored:

1. When a grade is assigned by an instructor, there needs to be an indication of who did it and when it was done.
2. Comments previously provided by other instructors must also be preserved.

This information needs to be stored every time an instructor edits a grade/comment and clicks the save button.

Currently, there are two places need to add grading audit trail:

1. Review grade: Log in as instructor -> Manage -> Assignments -> View Review Report
2. Submission grade: Log in as instructor -> Manage -> Assignments -> View submissions

The grading audit trail can probably be implemented as the submission records history on Expertiza. The required page can be reached by logging in as instructor -> Manage -> Assignments -> View Submissions -> History

At the minimum, a grading log entry must include the instructor id, assignment id, student id, grade, comment and timestamp.

Previous Implementation



1. For review grades, the “Grading History” link must not be in a separate column. It should be in smaller text below the in the “Save” button. 2. In the view grading record page, remove the receiver column and add it to the title 3. Restrict the column width on the grading record page 4. Add comments on list_submissions.html.erb to indicate that the alignment was changed to fix code climate issues 5. Ensure that white space changes are separate commits 6. Revert changes made to list_review_mapping.html.erb 7. Remove the review_report-html.erb file 8. Design doc – mention why each of those files were changed

Proposed Solution

Review Grade

Submission Grade

# add history table

Testing Plan

Important Links


Mentor: Xiao, Kai (yxiao28)

Yao, Kaiyong (kyao)

Hou, Guanyu (ghou3)

Du, Haoze (hdu5)

Du, Liwen (ldu2)