CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2021 - E2158. Grading audit trail
Problem Definition
After an instructor gave a grade to an assignment, there is no way to track who gave the grade. Any instructor can assign/edit a grade freely. There is no way of tracking who did it.
A grading audit trail must be created and the following information needs to be stored:
- 1. When a grade is assigned by an instructor, there needs to be an indication of who did it and when it was done.
- 2. Comments previously provided by other instructors must also be preserved.
This information needs to be stored every time an instructor edits a grade/comment and clicks the save button.
Currently, there are two places need to add grading audit trail:
- 1. Review grade: Log in as instructor -> Manage -> Assignments -> View Review Report
- 2. Submission grade: Log in as instructor -> Manage -> Assignments -> View submissions
The grading audit trail can probably be implemented as the submission records history on Expertiza. The required page can be reached by logging in as instructor -> Manage -> Assignments -> View Submissions -> History
At the minimum, a grading log entry must include the instructor id, assignment id, student id, grade, comment and timestamp.
Previous Implementation
Proposed Solution
Review Grade
Submission Grade
# add history table
Testing Plan
Important Links
Mentor: Xiao, Kai (yxiao28)
Yao, Kaiyong (kyao)
Hou, Guanyu (ghou3)
Du, Haoze (hdu5)
Du, Liwen (ldu2)