E2157. Fix issues related to deadlines and late policies
Problem Description
Expertiza can automatically deduct points if a student is late in performing some action (e.g., submitting or reviewing). This is implemented by defining a new “late policy” and applying it to the assignment. Late policies are managed on the Due dates tab of assignment creation (or editing). The team found some issues in the current implementation which either cause errors are completely not functional. The goal of this project is to eliminate these issues by making necessary changes and adding new test cases which cover all scenarios.
Issues with the Current Implementation
The following issues have been raised in the current implementation:
- Issue 1 - In the UI, the policy is sometimes called a “late policy” and sometimes a “penalty policy”.
- Issue 2 - Late policies cannot be created without raising an error.
- Issue 3 - After creating a late policy, the “back” link does not take the user back to editing the assignment.
- Issue 4 - The "+" and "-" buttons for Show/Hide Date Updater do not work.
- Issue 5 - Neither late_policy.rb nor late_policies_controller.rb have any tests at all.
What needs to be done
We will resolve each of these issues in the following manner:
- To avoid confusion, use “late policy” exclusively.
- Ensure that all errors being raised are fixed. This will be achieved by modifying existing code and bringing new checks as and when required.
- Ensure that on click of the back button, the user is taken back to the assignment page.
- Expertiza has a way to adjust the dates on assignments. This is especially helpful when an assignment is copied from another and the dates get copied too. We need to ensure the "+" and "-" buttons update the dates accordingly.
- Add test cases for late_policy.rb and late_policies_controller.rb. This will further be discussed in the Test Plan section of the page.
Approach & Fix
Issue 1: Renaming penalty policy to late policy
- To avoid confusion, use “late policy” exclusively.
Issue 2: Late policies cannot be created without raising an error
- Ensure that all errors being raised are fixed. This will be achieved by modifying existing code and bringing new checks as and when required.0
- Added a flash error message in the create function of late_policies_controller.rb
Issue 3: After creating a late policy, the “back” link does not take the user back to editing the assignment.
- Ensure that on click of the back button, the user is taken back to the assignment page.
- Expertiza has a way to adjust the dates on assignments. This is especially helpful when an assignment is copied from another and the dates get copied too. We need to ensure the "+" and "-" buttons update the dates accordingly.
- Add test file for late_policies_controller_spec.rb with appropriate test cases
- Add test file for late_policies_spec.rb with appropriate test cases
- Issue 1 - Once this issue is fixed, the Due Dates tab while editing an assignment will have no ambiguity between "late policy" and "penalty policy", as "late policy" will be used exclusively.
- Issue 2 - Once this issue is fixed, late policies can be created and saved successfully without raising the "The following error occurred while saving the penalty policy:" error.
- Issue 3 - Once this issue is fixed, the back link after creating a late policy will rightly take the user to the General tab on the Edit Assignment page.
- Issue 4 - Once this issue is fixed, "+" and "-" buttons for Show/Hide Date Updater will work and update all the dates relative to the first date keeping the days gap between all the dates the same as before.
- Issue 5 - The code coverage will definitely increase once tests for late_policy.rb and late_policies_controller.rb are written.
Issue 4: The "+" and "-" buttons for Show/Hide Date Updater do not work.
Issue 5: Neither late_policy.rb nor late_policies_controller.rb have any tests at all. Define a test plan, and write appropriate tests for these classes.
Expected Results
Each Issue is described with the predicted fix and a screenshot showing the issue fixed.
Test Plan
Before fix
Manual Testing ()
Log in to Expertiza as an Instructor by entering the credentials: Username: instructor6, Password: password
The following route is common to testing all the issues:
Welcome page -> Manage Assignments -> Select a Course -> Select Edit option for any assignment -> Edit Assignment (General) ->Issue 1 -
Due Dates -> No 'penalty policy' on the page.Issue 2 -
Due Dates -> New late policy -> Enter information and Create -> Late policy is successfully created and saved.Issue 3 -
Due Dates -> New late policy -> Enter information and Create -> Back -> Edit Assignment (General)Issue 4 -
Due Dates -> Show/Hide Date Updater -> Enter number of days -> Hit + / -
Automated Testing Using RSpec
We plan to create two new files, late_policy_spec.rb and late_policies_controller_spec.rb to write tests for late_policy.rb and late_policies_controller.rb repesctively.
To make sure we are covering all of our code with test cases we will use the Ruby Code Coverage plugin of RubyMine and SimpleCov gem. After manually running the test file, the SimpleCov gem will highlight the lines of code which are being covered by our test cases in green color, and for those which are not being covered in red.
To test the controller 'late_policies_controller.rb' and model 'late_policy.rb' we created 2 test files late_policy_spec.rb and late_policies_controller_spec.rb. To write test cases we used rspec functions and tested the functions on the basis of :
- What they returned
- Which page got rendered
- Which flash error got produced
- Which method got called
We also used stubbing and mocking functions to carry out our tests. After executing our tests we got an increase in the overall code coverage of over 0.5% for each file.
Here are the results of SimpleCov gem highlighting the code coverage of our tests.
10/25 – Project Selection
10/26 – Develop Project Design Document
Project Mentors
- Tirth Patel
Team Members
- Anmol Lunavat
- Shubham Waghe
- Vishal Sharma