CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2021 - E2125. Refactor review mapping helper.rb

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E2125. Refactor review mapping helper.rb

This page describes the Expertiza based OSS project.


Expertiza is an open-source project contributed by both the students and the faculty at NCSU. It is developed on Ruby-on-Rails and software to create reusable learning objects through peer review. Expertiza allows the instructor to create new assignments, customize new or existing assignments, and create a topic list for students to sign up. It also supports students to form teams for team projects and allows submission with almost any document type, including URLs and wiki pages.


Modifications in review_mapping_helper.rb


The original code will not return the correct color, because when it is checking the grade for the reviewer, it is not checking the correct variable.

 def get_team_color(response_map)
    # Storing redundantly computed value in a variable
    assignment_created = @assignment.created_at

    # Storing redundantly computed value in a variable
    assignment_due_dates = DueDate.where(parent_id: response_map.reviewed_object_id)

    # Returning colour based on conditions
    if Response.exists?(map_id:
      if !response_map.try(:reviewer).try(:review_grade).grade_for_reviewer.nil?
      elsif response_for_each_round?(response_map)
        check_submission_state(response_map, assignment_created, assignment_due_dates, @assignment.num_review_rounds)

This method checks whether the team submit the project on time or not. (If there are no submission or the submission is not on time, it is reasonable that the reviewer cannot review the project). In addition, the submission time of a link should be checked by the last modified time of the webpage, not the moment the link itself is submitted.

 def check_submission_state(response_map, assignment_created, assignment_due_dates, round)
    if submitted_within_round?(round, response_map, assignment_created, assignment_due_dates)
      link = submitted_hyperlink(round, response_map, assignment_created, assignment_due_dates)
      if link.nil? or (link !~ %r{https*:\/\/wiki(.*)}) # can be extended for github links in future
        link_updated_at = get_link_updated_at(link)
        link_updated_since_last?(round, assignment_due_dates, link_updated_at) ? 'purple' : 'green'


This method has been removed because it is running unnecessary loop.

Testing Details in review_mapping_helper.rb


All 32 test cases are currently passing.

  1. In method get_team_color(response_map) in review mapping helper.rb: Only checking if the record exist is not enough, because all mapping records pre-exist with empty scores in it.
  2. The for loop for checking multiple submission stage is unnecesasry, so we removed obtain_team_color and call check_submission_state directly.
  3. Stubbing NET::HTTP to fix test cases that originally failed if calling the method get_link_updated_at.

Peer Review Credentials

Username: instructor6
Password: password