CSE/ECE 517 Spring 2021 - E2105. Track the time students look at other submissions

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This is the wiki page of project E2105 of the OSS assignment in Spring 2021 for CSC/ECE 517.

For Peer Reviewers

When testing our deployed app, use the login credentials below:

  Username: instructor6 , Password: password

Then follow along with the methods outlined in the testing section to help you get started!

Project Description


Currently in Expertiza, students complete peer review questionnaires during the many rounds of an assignment. This is a great way to gather information about submissions and complete lots of testing while also exposing the reviewing student to practices and skills used in industry.

The instructor can view these reviews on the "Review Reports" screen. This can be found by getting the "Management" dropdown -> Assignments to list all assignments for that instructor. On the far right of each of these rows, one will see multiple buttons for possible actions, select "Review Report" . Once the page has loaded, clicking the "View" button while "Review Reports" is selected in the dropdown will open the reports. A list of students who have completed reviews, the teams they reviewed, the amount of written text they submitted in comments, as well as other metrics will be displayed.

The issue with this system is that there is no metric currently for how long a user spends on reviews.

Because this project involves logging data real-time, the interactions with the database also need to be minimal.


This project was created to give the instructors more information about how students complete reviews, specifically the time they spend on a review. This will give the instructor insight into each review and allow them to improve the teaching experience when it comes to peer reviews.

This "review time" metric should be broken down by each link in a submission.

Previous Implementations

The previous project teams and their Pull Requests and Wikis are listed here

Group Pull Request Wiki
E1791 PR Wiki
E1872 PR [Wiki]
E1989 PR [Wiki]
E2080 PR Wiki

Requested Changes

With the general functionality outline by previous groups, our team was asked to:

  • Design a database schema for logging time a reviewer spends on a submission
  • Modify the Review Report to show the time spent on each submission
  • Add tests for the code written

Our Implementation

Overview and Pattern

Overall, our implementation works using a proxy pattern.

When the reviewer navigates to a page from the expertiza review page a submission_viewing_event is created for that url and a start time is saved. Once the reviewer leaves this page an end time is saved in that same submission_viewing_event, a total time is calculated and this is saved to local storage using pstore. As the reviewer navigates to different links from the review page, submission_viewing_events are created for each link accessed and these accumulate a total time spent on each link. Once the reviewer saves or submits their review, these events are saved to the database from local storage, and deleted from local storage. This minimizes the amount of times the application is interacting with the actual database. If the user is returning to finish a saved review, these rows are pulled from the database, added to as stated above, and saved to local storage again until saved or submitted.

When the instructor goes to view the "Review Report", each row from that students review is pulled for display as seen here:

The pop-up shows:

  • Percentage of total review for each link in a pie chart
  • The time the reviewer spent on each link
  • The total time spent on the review
  • The average times spent on each link for this submission by all reviewers
  • The average time spent reviewing this submission by all reviewers
  • Class statistics including:
    • Average review time for all submissions
    • Median review time
    • Standard deviation for review times

Github Info

Our Pull Request can be found here

Tasks Identified

Along with the tasks above, upon reviewing existing code and discussing with our mentor we realized there was more to be done. A refactor of the previous teams code was needed as well as proper comments to document how this feature functioned. This extended the scope of our project significantly.

Our list of tasks included:

  • Review and understand previous teams code
  • Refactor and comment usable code from previous groups (Added after reviewing previous code)
  • Create new UI for viewing data
  • Improve current database schema to hold the total time spent on a review
  • Add tests

Review Previous Code

Upon reviewing all the previous groups code, it seemed that E2080 (our previous group) had the best starting point for our project having improved their previous groups code. They had a way of tracking the time spent on a review, storing it in a local file, saving this file to the database, and displaying the data. We did however find the code was hard to follow and needed to be refactored if we were to have this feature merged with the main Expertiza repository.

Refactor and Comment

Pulling E2080s code as a base, we refactored this code to have comments, proper formatting, and move most functionality out of client side javascript to the rails controller.

New UI

As we moved a lot of the functionality from the previous groups UI to the controller and helper functions, we then wanted to improve the UI to still function correctly but also easily display the given information and be easily edited for future use. We did this using simple javascript calls in app/assets/javascripts/time_canvas_handler.js to get the relevant information using the controller and moved much of the formatting to app/assets/stylesheets/time_canvas_css.css

Improve Database Schema

The schema as it stands only recorded start time and end time for accessing a link. This becomes a problem as users creating reviews normally access a link multiple times. To allow for this, we added a new column to the submission_viewing_events table allowing for total_time to be calculated as the user moves between links.


When conducting live testing, you need to create a new review so the system can gather the timing data. (This is why most reviews show 0 as they were made before our implementation)

NOTE: This is our process. We have listed it here as getting to this feature and functionality can be confusing without knowledge of the Expertiza site. This is a guideline to help our peers. Please feel free to test the functionality beyond this.

To do this, here is our method:

  • As instructor6, find assignment "Final project (and design doc)". This is a previously created assignment that functions correctly.
  • Add a new participant to the assignment using the options to the right of the row. (We found student2150 and up to be easiest)
  • Impersonate the added student. "Management" dropdown -> impersonate user
  • You should now see a pending review for "Final project (and design doc)". Select this to get to the review page.
  • Select the available submission and begin the review
  • Conduct the review however you like. This activity it being timed.
    • Note: You must open the links and files from the review page
    • Note: If you have a link open, you will not be able to open it again
  • Once complete, submit the review
  • You can now "Revert" back to your instructor account using the button in the Expertiza site heading
  • Navigate to the "Review Report" page as outlined in the Background section of this site
  • Find the student account you used and there will be an R1 or R2 next to your review. Click on these to see the breakdown of your review times for that respective round.

Added / Changed Files

Dur to the size of our feature, our PR contains many additions. We have limited these to new files as much as possible in order to maintain the current Expertiza files and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Added Files or Changes:

Refactored Changes:

Untouched Changes by Previous Teams: