CSC/ECE 517 Summer 2008/wiki2 2 ar
Source Code
The source code is a set of computer instructions written mostly in ASCII text following some specific high level computer language syntaxes. They are human readable and need some special programs (Compilers and Interpreters) to convert it into machine languages. They actually represent the logic of the program.
Problems face by source code
- Organization of code - Organization of code is a difficult job. As amount and complexity increases it become harder to do that.
- Source code comprehension - Source code readability is actually associated with source code comprehension. It is foundation through which a developer make sense of source code. There are some other techniques/tools available that support program comprehension but nothing could match with batter readable source code.
- Complex computer language syntaxes - Some time computer languages design with complex notations, that make those languages very powerful but it also forces programmer to stop first to understand the language constructs then follow the actual program logic.
Naming conventions
Benefits of standardize Naming conventions
General Naming conventions
Hungarian notations
Positional Notations
Composite word scheme
Language Specific Naming Conventions
Coding conventions for languages
- ActionScript(Flex): Flex SDK coding conventions and best practices
- C++: C++ Programming/Code Style
- C++: GeoSoft's C++ Programming Style Guidelines
- C#: Coding Standard: C# (Philips Medical Systems)
- D: The D Style
- Erlang: Erlang Programming Rules and Conventions
- Java: Sun official Java coding style
- Lisp: Riastradh's Lisp Style Rules
- Mono: Programming style for Mono
- Perl: Perl Style Guide
- PHP::PEAR: PHP::PEAR Coding Standards
- Python: Style Guide for Python Code