CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2020 - E2080. Track the time students look at other submissions

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The Expertiza project takes advantage of peer-review among students to allow them to learn from each other. Tracking the time that a student spends on each submitted resources is meaningful to instructors to study and improve the teaching experience. Unfortunately, most peer assessment systems do not manage the content of students’ submission within the systems. They usually allow the authors submit external links to the submission (e.g. GitHub code / deployed application), which makes it difficult for the system to track the time that the reviewers spend on the submissions.

Problem Statement

Expertiza allows students to peer review the work of other students in their course. To ensure the quality of the peer reviews, instructors would like to have the ability to track the time a student spends on a peer-review. These metrics need to be tracked and displayed in a way that the instructor is able to gain valuable insight into the quality of a review or set of reviews.

Various metrics will be tracked including

  1. The time spent on the primary review page
  2. The time spent on secondary/external links and downloadables

Current Implementation

The most recent implementation, built from earlier designs features a solid UI and ample tracking of review time across the board. The main issue with this implementation is that it frequently carries out "expensive" operations on the database.

  1. E1989

Proposed Solution

From the suggestions of the previous team, E1989, we plan to improve their implementation by reducing the frequency of database queries and insertions. Secondly, we plan to add minor improvements to their UI. TBD

Design pattern


Code Changes


Test Plan

Automated Testing Using RSpec

Manual UI Testing

Helpful Links

  1. repo

Identified Issues


Team Information

  1. Luke McConnaughey (lcmcconn)
  2. Pedro Benitez (pbenite)
  3. Rohit Nair (rnair2)
  4. Surbhi Jha (sjha6)

Mentor: Sanket Pai (sgpai2)
Professor: Dr. Edward F. Gehringer (efg)


  1. Expertiza on GitHub
  2. RSpec Documentation