CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2020 - E2021. Allow reviewers to bid on what to review

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Problem Scope and the need for a bidding system for reviews

The bidding process when implemented for reviews of projects will hold several advantages.

1) The user will now be able to bid for projects that interest him and he knows well about, This will allow him to get a better understanding of the project requirements and provide the necessary feedback in an informed manner.

2) Also bidding provides the users receiving feedback a very informed report on how to enhance his project. This will enhance his capabilities to output a better result for this project.

3) The Bidding apart from helping the students also gives an advantage to the instructor because, the instructor will now be able to receive more well written feedback to help out with his machine learning model's required data.

Problem Statement

The reviews performed by the students right now are being assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis. The task at hand is to implement a procedure so that the students can bid on the reviews that they would like to review, similar to the procedure of the assignment of the topics. The difference between the two procedures is that the assignment of the topic is a one-one mapping, i.e. a team is assigned to a single topic, whereas the assignment of the reviews is many-many mapping with each review being assigned to different students and each student assigned to different reviews.

What needs to be done

The following are the tasks that are to be done-

1. Implement top trading cycles on a web service as mentioned in the paper [1].

The top trading cycles is a intelligent algorithm that allows users to achieve the review they will need. For example lets consider a situation where user 'a' wants the review assigned to user 'b' and user 'b' wants the review assigned to user 'a' , this mutual exchange between them would be beneficial and is something that can solved using the top trading cycles algorithm :

Algorithm Steps would follow :

1) Let the user bid, these bids will point to the reviews they are requesting for in the graph.

2) There will be cycles links of length 1 between the person who owns ever review currently, a directed acyclic graph.

3) We will need to break all the cycles in the graph and assign the reviews to which the user is pointing at. The top is represent as [ TOP(i) ]

4) We can repeat this order until we have exhausted our preference list where all the assigned houses are constantly deleted.

2. Add the front end code to allow the bidding on topics and call the appropriate web services from the lottery controller. This is similar to the already implemented bidding process on topics [2].

Previous Work

Problems found in previous work

Suggested Improvements


[1] School Choice: A Mechanism Design Approach by Atila Abdulkadiroğlu and Tayfun Sönmez.

[2] Bidding Interface Implementation.