CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2020 E2016 Revision planning tool
What is Revision Planning?:
In the first round of Expertiza reviews, reviewers are asked to give authors some guidance on how to improve their work. Then in the second round, reviewers rate how well authors have followed their suggestions. Revision planning is a mechanism used to carry the interaction one step further by having authors to supply a revision plan based on the first-round reviews. That is, the authors would describe their plan for code improvement in the second round and second-round reviewers would assess how well they did it.
According to the given instructions, a revision plan consists of a description of the plan, followed by any number of questions that would later be appended to the second-round review questionnaire. The revision plan is per AssignmentTeam-based, which means the authors’ questions would only be used to evaluate their submission and not anyone else. By adding the functionality of revision planning, it helps researchers study the effect of the reviewer’s suggestions on the second-round code improvement.
What needs to be done?:
- Develop UI for authors to create new questions to add to the second round-rubric. This should be a form that includes the following:
- A description of the revision plan. Eg: We will add feature X to address issues a,b and c. We will modify feature Y and expect it to resolve errors d, c and e.
- One or more questions for every proposed improvement. Example:
- How effectively did feature X address / solve issues a, b and c?
- Did modification of feature Y resolve error d?
- The new questionnaire must be linked to the second-round questionnaire.
- The new questionnaire must be part of the team's submission records.