CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2020 - E2014. Refactor datetimepicker.js

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About Expertiza

Expertiza is an open-source project based on Ruby on Rails framework. It allows the instructor to create new assignments and customize new or existing assignments. The instructor is allowed to create a list of topics for the students to which they can sign up for. For working on different projects and assignments the students can form teams in Expertiza. Peer review is another feature where students can review other students' submissions. This feature is available in Expertiza. Furthermore, Expertiza supports submission across various document types, including URLs and wiki pages. It is supported by the National Science Foundation.


Expertiza uses the jquery’s date-time picker widget for setting dates and times on various views. This is absolutely required so that all users select the date and/or time in a specified and fixed format. Instructors need to use it often while setting or modifying deadlines for various assignments in a course. Over the years, different developers used different version and formats of the date-time picker due to which there are inconsistencies across the expertiza project.

Problem Statement

The main problem with the date-time picker is that the widget and the date-time formats used across the expertiza project are not consistent. Moreover, the JQuery based date-time UI widget itself is on version 0.8 which is extremely old and no longer consistent with expertiza's looks and feel. The primary task of the refactor was to find, refactor and make the date-time picker consistent at all places while exploring the possibility of updating the date-time picker to a newer version or completely replacing it by another better widget which works in conjunction with modern javascript libraries.

Problem Solution



Test Plan

Useful Links

Github Repo:
Pull Request:

Team Information

Project Mentor:
Pratik Abhyankar

Project Members:
Akanksha Bhattacharyya
Sahil Papalkar
Sujal Ahrodia