CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2020 - E2005. Bookmark enhancements

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E2005. Bookmark Enhancements


About Expertiza

Expertiza is an open-source project that is built using the Ruby on Rails framework. At its core, it is a highly versatile tool that academic institutions can use to craft learning objectives centered around team projects, peer reviews, and submitted assignments.

Problem Statement

The purpose of this project was to add meaningful enhancements and fixes to the bookmark feature in Expertiza, entities that can be attached to a topic to aid the authors who decide to take on a certain assignment. While the major functionality of the bookmark feature was already present by the time the team embarked on this project (most notably the ability to create/edit and rate bookmarks), many desired functions were conveniently broken or left out.

Completed Stories

Below is a breakdown of the stories that were drawn up and completed for this project:

1. Need a way to view all responses to the bookmark questionnaires.

2.Modify permissions for deleting bookmarks.The person who creates the bookmark, the team for whom the bookmark is meant, and the instructor, should be able to delete.

3."View bookmarks" link on student_task/view breaks if the student has not selected a topic yet.

4.Bookmark rating questionnaire should include question asking the reviewer whether or not the bookmark appears to have been used by the author. Get the bookmark questionnaire functioning and add to the bookmark list page.

5.Fix issue in which users should not be able to review their own bookmark using the questionnaire, but currently can.

6.Add a number next to/inside the icon with the number of current bookmark in order to make it clear whether a bookmark exists for a topic.

7.Add a "View bookmarks" link to the assignment view page for easier access.

8.Add rating to the bookmark questionnaire and use that rating to calculate the average instead of using the current dropdown.

9.A student should not be able to rate his/her own bookmark.

10.Add URL to bookmark list for assignment topic on the assignment page, to make viewing bookmarks easier.

11.Instructors cannot currently see bookmarks (gets an error message saying instructors cannot create bookmarks).

12."Back" button from Bookmarks list is broken.

13.BUG: When creating a bookmark with an empty description field, the notice says the bookmark was successfully created even though it fails. Add alert saying a description is required.

14."Bookmark ratings" should be a type of rubric when you go to Manage > Questionnaires. Although 'Bookmark Rating' is already a type of rubric, it isn't listed when hovering over Manage... > Questionnaires

15.Create a way to mark a bookmark that was rated to be helpful by all reviewers, on average.

16.Students can add/view bookmarks when "Allow participants to create bookmarks?" box is unchecked for the assignment.

Code Modifications

Testing Plan

Code Coverage

Application Deployment

Team Information

Danielle Hancock

Eric Peden

Hosung Hwang

Mentor: Abhirav Kariya


1.Expertiza on GitHub