CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2019 - Project E1973. Team Based Reviewing

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Introduction - Purpose & Problem

Currently, reviews of other student’s work can only be performed by individual students in Expertiza, not by groups of students. Since doing reviews together could help students learn more than by doing them alone, it has been requested that reviews must now have the option to be done by teams instead of individual participants. Therefore, there should be an option when creating assignments that allows the creator to select whether the assignment will use team reviewers or individual reviewers. For simplification, we were allowed to assume that the teams that worked on an assignment together would review together. Each participant should be able to make individual changes to the review (while logged in from their account), but these changes should apply to the team’s collective review. This creates an issue where teammates could accidentally overwrite each other’s work if they edit the review at once. Therefore, it has been decided that the review should be locked while one edits it so that only one participant can edit it at once. Locking the review presents its own challenges.