CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2019 - E1975. Generalize Review Versioning
About Expertiza
Expertiza is an open source project based on Ruby on Rails framework and the code is available on Github. Expertiza allows the instructor to create new assignments as well as edit new or existing assignments. Instructors can also create a list of topics the students can sign up for and specify deadlines for completion of various tasks. Students can form teams in Expertiza to work on various projects and assignments as well as peer review other students' submissions. Expertiza supports submission across various document types, including the URLs Wiki pages.
Expertiza is a peer-review based learning platform in which work-products by students are evaluated and scored by peer-review of other students. Review process occurs in stages. After submission of initial feedback for a work-product by the peer-group, students are allowed time to incorporate the comments and improve their work. This second version of the work product is reviewed again and scores are given. This process might be repeated again and the average score from the last review stage is considered as the final score for that work-product. This incremental development of work-products and progressive learning is the fundamental concept underlying the Expertiza system.
The system currently is designed to give a reviewer a new form for each round of review (rather than requiring the reviewer to edit an existing file) and automatically remove scores of reviews that are not redone. The system also triggers an email to reviewer when there is a change in the submission. The scores are calculated on the fly based on the rubrics.
This project will enhance the existing scoring and peer review functionality and the underlying implementation along with the testing of the existing implementation. Testing of the score calculation, display for the weighted and non-weighted scores based on the combination of the rubrics are part of this project. This project also includes an additional feature for the author to notify the reviewers for the change in the submission.
The system currently is designed to give a reviewer a new form for each round of review (rather than requiring the reviewer to edit an existing file) and automatically remove scores of reviews that are not redone. The scores are calculated based on the rubrics defined in the system. There’s already an existing implementation for the computation of score but it doesn’t work for multipart rubric
The documents that will be generated for this project are the design document, the actual files that we edit or create, and a ReadMe that explains what we did and how to use the modified product.
The new standards that will be adhered to in this system are those given for the rails framework, and the code should follow rails and object oriented design principles. Any newly added code will adhere to the guidelines mentioned below: