CSC/ECE 517 Summer 2008/wiki1 6 jm

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Both Ruby and Java support arrays and hash tables

Hashes in Ruby

Arrays in Ruby

Creating Arrays in Ruby

Creating an array in Ruby is as simple as

  a = []

Initializing an Array in Ruby

  a = ["one",45,"hello"]

Hashes in Java

Arrays in Java

Hashtable Function Ruby Java
Create h = {} or

h =

h = new Hashtable();
Initialize h = {"key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2" } TO DO
Add Key to Existing Hashtable h["key3"] = "value3" h.put("key3",new String("value3"));
Remove a Key - Value pair h.delete("key1") to do
Check if Key Exists h.key?("key1") h.containsKey("key1")
Check if Value Exists h.value?("value1") h.contains(new String("value1"));
Retrieve a Value Given a Key h["key1"] to do

External Links

Java Hastable Examples