CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2019 - Project E1931. Conflict notification
This wiki page is for the description of changes made under ECE517 SPRING 2019 PROJECT E1931 CONFLICT NOTIFICATIONS
Problem Statement
Current conflict notification sends an email to the instructor whenever two reviews for the same submission differ "significantly" on their scoring (the threshold is specified in the "Notification limit" on the Rubrics tab of assignment creation). Right now an email is sent at any such time one of these conflicts happen, however, it does not link to the particular review or submission which initiated the notification.
Existing Feature Description
Currently this feature works as follows:
Whenever a new review is submitted, it is compared with the average of the previously submitted reviews. If the difference between the new submission and existing average is more than the threshold limit set, then a mail is sent to the instructor. With every review submitted for an assignment of a particular student, the average is updated.
What needs to be done
The scope of this project is to send an email notification to instructor which contains links to two reviews (one of which is the newly submitted review) that differ by more than the notification limit where such a conflict has occurred. The email should state that a new conflicting review has been made.
Files to be changed in this Project
Previous Project and its problems
[to be populated after coding is complete]
Test Plan
To test code implementation and correctness of the modified feature, we plan to do the following tests:-
- Run and pass existing RSpec Tests
- Develop New RSpec Tests for the new code
- UI testing on the deployed project
Rspec Testing
[to be populated after coding is complete]
UI Testing
[to be populated after coding is complete]