E1850. Write unit tests for review response map.rb team100

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This wiki page is for the description of unit test for E1850 OSS assignment for Fall 2018, CSC/ECE 517.


Expertiza is an open source web based peer review system developed and maintained by students and faculty members at North Carolina State University. It enables students enrolled in a particular course to form online teams, complete assignments, review other's work and receive feedbacks of your work.


Review_response_map.rb is used to prepare data for peer review. But there are no unit tests for it.

Work to be done

  • Create a new file named review_response_map_spec.rb under spec/models folder
  • Write RSpec unit tests to make the path coverage above 90%.
  • Coverage as many edge cases as we can.
  • Achieve as high branch coverage as we can. Use the mutant-rspec gem to measure test thoroughness and fault-finding capability of our tests.