OSS E1852.rb

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This wiki page is for the description of changes made under E1852 OSS assignment for Fall 2018, CSC/ECE 517


Expertiza is an open source web-based peer review system developed and maintained by students and faculty members at North Carolina State University. Features of Expertiza enable students to work collaboratively in teams on course projects and assignments.


There are not enough unit tests for the Participant model of Expertiza. Current path coverage of participant.rb is only 36.08%.

Work to be done

  • Write unit test using Rspec
  • Achieve path coverage more than 90%
  • Achieve as high branch coverage

Modified Files

  • spec/models/particpant_spec.rb

Unit Test Description

Unit tests are used to test the functionality of methods in the model. there are two types of unit tests, Test Driven Development(TDD) and Behaviour Driven Development(BDD). BDD is preferred because of its simplicity. In this project, We are using RSpec for BDD.

Participant Unit Test

We used factory methods to generate the necessary variables.

let(:user) { 
	build( :student, id: 1, name: 'no name', fullname: 'no one') }
  let(:team) {	
	build( :assignment_team, id: 1, name: 'myTeam' ) }
  let(:team_user) { 
	build( :team_user, id: 1, user: user, team: team) }

  let(:topic){ build( :topic ) }

  let(:participant) {
	user: build( :student, name: "Jane", fullname: "Doe, Jane", id: 1 ) ) }
  let(:participant2) { 
	user: build( :student, name: "John", fullname: "Doe, John", id: 2 ) ) }
  let(:participant3) { 
	build(:participant, can_review: false, 
	user: build(:student, name: "King", fullname: "Titan, King", id: 3 ) ) }

  let(:assignment) { build(:assignment, id: 1, name: 'no assgt') }

Methods tested in participant model:

  • team

  • response : This method returns the response associated with the perticular participant. we use mock method to simulate return of the response from the participant response_map
describe '#response' do
    it 'Returns the responses that are associated with this participant' do
      allow( participant ).to receive( :responses ).and_return( response )
      expect( participant.responses ).to eq( response )
  • name: Returns the name of the participant
describe "#name" do
    it "returns the name of the user" do
      expect( participant.name ).to eq( "Jane" )
  • fullname : Returns the full name of the participant
describe "#fullname" do
    it "returns the full name of the user" do
      expect( participant.fullname ).to eq( "Doe, Jane" )
  • handle : Returns handle of the participant
describe '#handle' do
    it 'returns the handle of the participant' do
      expect( participant.handle( nil ) ).to eq( "handle" )
  • delete: It deletes the participant if the participant doesn't have any association adn value of "force" is nil else it will raise an exception
describe '#delete' do
    it 'deletes a participant if no associations exist and force is nil' do
      expect( participant.delete( nil ) ).to eq( participant )
    it 'deletes a participant if no associations exist and force is true' do
      expect( participant.delete( true ) ).to eq( participant )
    it 'deletes a participant if associations exist and force is true' do
      allow( participant ).to receive( :team ).and_return( team )
      expect( participant.delete( true ) ).to eq( participant )
    it 'deletes a participant if associations exist and force is true' do
      allow( participant ).to receive( :team ).and_return( team )
      allow( team ).to receive( :teams_users ).and_return( length: 1 )
      expect( participant.delete( true ) ).to eq( participant )
    it 'raises execption when trying to delect participant where associations exists and force is nil' do
      allow( participant ).to receive( :team ).and_return( team )
      expect{ participant.delete( nil ) }.to raise_error.with_message("Associations exist for this participant.")
  • force_delete: This method is called inside the delete method . coverage for this is handled in delete method. hence there is not explicit cases are written.
  • topic_name: Retunrs the topic name associated with the participant
describe '#topic_name' do
    it 'returns the topic name associated with the participant topic name is nil' do
      expect( participant.topic_name ).to eq( '<center>—</center>' )
    it 'returns the topic name associated with the participant topic name has value' do
      allow( participant ).to receive( :topic ).and_return( topic )
      expect( participant.topic_name ).to eq( "Hello world!" )   
  • able_to_review: check the review rights of the participant
describe '#able_to_review' do
    it '#able_to_review when can_review is true' do
      expect(participant.able_to_review).to eq(true)

  describe '#able_to_review' do
    it '#able_to_review when can_review is false' do
      expect(participant3.able_to_review).to eq(false)
  • email: sends an email to participant
describe '#email' do
    it 'sends an email to the participant' do
      expect { participant.email("Missing 'pw'", "Missing 'home_page'") }.to change {
		ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(1)
  • score

  • get_permissions:Returns the permission of various users such as participant , reader, reviewer, submitter
describe '#get_permissions' do
    it 'returns the permissions of participant' do
      expect( Participant.get_permissions( 'participant' ) ).to contain_exactly(
		[ :can_submit, true ], [ :can_review, true ], [ :can_take_quiz, true ] )
    it 'returns the permissions of reader' do
      expect( Participant.get_permissions( 'reader' ) ).to contain_exactly(
		[ :can_submit, false ], [ :can_review, true ], [ :can_take_quiz, true ] )
    it 'returns the permissions of reviewer' do
      expect( Participant.get_permissions( 'reviewer' ) ).to contain_exactly(
		[ :can_submit, false ], [ :can_review, true ], [ :can_take_quiz, false ] )
    it 'returns the permissions of submitter' do
      expect(Participant.get_permissions('submitter')).to contain_exactly(
		[:can_submit, true], [:can_review, false], [:can_take_quiz, false] )
  • get_authorization: Returns the authorization role based on the access rights (can_submit,can_review,can_take_quiz).
describe '#get_authorization' do
    it 'returns participant when no arguments are pasted' do
      expect( Participant.get_authorization( nil, nil, nil ) ).to eq( 'participant' )
    it 'returns reader when no arguments are pasted' do
      expect( Participant.get_authorization( false, true, true ) ).to eq( 'reader' )
    it 'returns submitter when no arguments are pasted' do
      expect( Participant.get_authorization( true, false, false ) ).to eq( 'submitter' )
    it 'returns reviewer when no arguments are pasted' do
      expect( Participant.get_authorization( false, true, false ) ).to eq( 'reviewer' )
  • sort_by_name: Returns the sorted participants name.
describe '#sort_by_name' do
    it 'returns a sorted list of participants alphabetical by name' do
      unsorted = [ participant3, participant, participant2 ]
      sorted = [ participant, participant2, participant3  ]
      expect( Participant.sort_by_name( unsorted ) ).to eq( sorted )

Running the Tests

To run the test run below command in terminal

 rspec spec/models/participant_spec.rb

External links

External links
