CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2017/M1702 Implement the Mutation Observer API Design

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Mutation Observer API Project with SERVO & RUST

Servo is a prototype web browser engine written in the RUST language. The DOM standard defines a MutationObserver API that allows web content to receive callbacks when the page contents are mutated. In simple words, MutationObserver facilitates the developers with a technique to react to the changes in DOM. MutationObserver is designed to replace the Mutation Events defined in the DOM3 Events specification. The goal of this project is to implement the fundamental pieces required to support the Mutation Observer API.



Servo is an open source web browser engine designed for application and embedded use. It is a high performance browser engine created by Mozilla Research and is written in the Rust language. The main idea behind the Servo is to create a parallel environment where the components are handle by isolated and fine grained tasks. These components can be rendering, HTML parsing etc.


Rust is an open source systems programming language developed by Mozilla. Servo is written in Rust. The main purpose behind it's design is to be thread safe and concurrent. The emphasis is also on speed, safety and control of memory layout.

Setting up and Building the Project

Follow the Guidelines mentioned in the read me page of the project's Wiki Page for building the Project in a Linux Environment.

Project Description

In the first Phase of the Project, we implemented the initial Steps as described in the Project Specification. The initial implementation is merged in the original Servo Repository and the code can be found here. For the next phase of the project, we have to implement the following steps:

Test Plan

Design Pattern

Our Project follows the Observer Pattern, where a list of the objects dependent on the current object is maintained and the dependents are notified of any state changes. The Mutation Observer helps in achieving this functionality.

