CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2017 E1734
Improve survey functionality
What Needs to be done
Expertiza used to be able to distribute surveys to the users in this system. The survey can be a course survey (all the participants of the course can take it) or a global survey (all the users in Expertiza can take it). The survey can also be targeted (the admin can specify a group of people who will receive this survey). Since there are other survey tools available, the survey feature is not used much. But, it would be good to improve it, since we could then keep survey data in our db along with the courses and assignments that it was produced from.
- You should remove all the survey-related code and build from scratch.
- The three kinds of surveys in this project are survey_questionnaire.rb, global_survey_questionnaire.rb, and course_evaluation_questionnaire.rb.
- Survey questionnaire should be a subclass of questionnaire. The various kinds of surveys should, in turn, be subclasses of survey_questionnaire. The creation, editing, filling in, and checking that all the questions have been answered survey should be similar to the procedure used for other types of questionnaires (e.g. peer-review questionnaires). You should not treat the surveys differently than other questionnaires, but use polymorphism as much as you can.
- There should be a page to see the distribution of results for any question (e.g., how many people answered “1”, how many answered “2”, etc.). This page should not only be designed for surveys, but also for other types of questionnaires. (E.g. this view be able to show the score distribution for a question in other types of questionnaires, no matter whether it is a survey question like “how much do you like the course?” or a peer-review question like “how well did the author test the code?”)
- We should use the same controller method to take the survey as to fill in the peer-review, namely, response_controller.
- We should use the same code to display the existing survey responses as to display the responses in peer reviews.
- For each course or assignment, the admin/instructor should be able to create a survey and have some (or all) of the participants receive the survey. *Normally, all questions in the global_survey_questionnaire are included in every survey, but we should allow the instructor not to include them if (s)he doesn’t want to. The quiz takers can take the global survey and course survey consecutively.
- When a user is assigned to take part in a survey, a survey_participant record should be created for that user in the participants table.
- Write tests for this feature.