CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2017 E1711

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Revision as of 23:43, 22 March 2017 by Ppraman2 (talk | contribs)
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E1711. Refactor delayed_mailer.rb and scheduled_task.rb


Introduction to Expertiza

Expertiza is a web based tool that allows instructors to create collaborative assignments where students can provide peer feedback on each others work. It provides instructors a system to manage assignments and different courses.

Scope of project E1711

The goal of E1711 was to refactor code found in the files delayed_mailer.rb and scheduled_task.rb.

The following issues were identified as the scope of this project

  • scheduled_task.rb duplicated most of its code from delayed_mailer.rb. Our objective is to reduce/remove the duplication in keeping with the DRY principle.
  • The perform method uses a giant case statement, instead we were to incorporate the use of polymorphism
  • The mail_signed_up_users is long and should be broken into smaller and better named methods
  • Add/modify test cases as we added/removed/modified areas of the code