CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2016 E1684: Feature Test for Assignment Submission
Introduction to Expertiza
Expertiza is an online system that is used by students to view/submit assignments and review others' work. Expertiza also provides tools to visualize the scores and gauge the improvements made during the course semester. It also facilitates and monitors team projects. It is targeted at educational and non-profit organizations.
Expertiza is an open-source project with the source code available as a public repository on GitHub. It is developed using Ruby on Rails and is increasingly becoming robust thanks to the innumerable bugs being fixed by the community. The project has a micro-blog on SourceForge where the developer community report bugs and document updates.
Project Requirement
There should be a feature test for submission of the assignment by the student. Once the Assignment is created by the instructor the only Call to action for the student is assignment submission.
Mock the flow of Assignment submission using Capybara and check the result of the submission.
Student login -> click on the assignment -> upload link or upload file
- Submit hyperlink → click hyperlink → have content.
- Submit file → download file → have content.