CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2016/E1674.Refactor leaderboard.rb and write unit tests
This page give a description of the changed made for the Expertiza based OSS project.
Expertiza Background
Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). Instructor adds and edits assignment to Expertiza. And students can be assigned in team based on their selection of the topics. The Expertiza project is supported by the National Science Foundation.
Problem Statement
The task of the project is to refactor leaderboard.rb and write unit tests for it. As the names of the methods are not in a standard style, so we used snake_case for method names. There are also some useless assignments to several variables. The code climate rating of leaderboard.rb is D, which is needed to be improved.
Modified File
- leaderboard.rb
- create a RSpec file in /spec/models/ foler which contains unit test for leaderboard.rb
What we need to do is to deal with the problems listed by the code climate. And we also need to write a new test file to test the functionality of leaderboard.rb. However, the leaderboard itself has some problems and it will report some problems when we want to run it. So we need to know which method in this file is broken first and just test others instead.
As for this project, we used the code climate plugin to test if our code is good enough. This plugin will obviously help us with the refactor part because it can show which part of the original codes have some problems. We also searched through the internet and get to know how to write the Rspec files.
We will list each kind of problems we solved below.
Use snake_case for method names.
As we all know the snake_case means we need to name the methods and variables in this way. For example, we changed this method.
def self.getIndependantAssignments(user_id) assignmentIds = AssignmentParticipant.where(user_id: user_id).pluck(:parent_id) end
Both variable names and method names are not in a good manner. We changed it to the version below.
def self.get_independant_assignments(user_id) assignment_ids = AssignmentParticipant.where(user_id: user_id).pluck(:parent_id) end
Useless assignment to variable - `noCourseAssignments`.
We just commented these useless variables.
Useless assignment to variable - `assignmentList`.
We just comment this useless variable.
Prefer `each` over `for`.
We know that 'each' function is more in ruby style for loops. So we would like to change all our 'for' to 'each'.
for scoreEntry in scores ... end
We changed this loop to:
scores.each do |scoreEntry| ... end
And the problem would be fixed.
Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.
if qTypeHash.fetch(questionnaireType, {}).fetch(courseId, nil).nil? if qTypeHash.fetch(questionnaireType, nil).nil?
This is the third and fourth level of the block nesting. We need to merge them together.
`end` at 148, 1 is not aligned with `def` at 129, 2.
Rspec Test
There are still some problems we need to figure out. For the code revising part, there are some methods with this problemAssignment Branch Condition size for get_participants_score is too high.