CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2016/E1668.Test e-mailing functionality

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E1668 -Test e-mailling functionality


There are various ways to use e-mail functionality in the Expertiza. Users should get emails once they register successfully, they should get informed once they missed deadline of submission of their works and they should receive notification once others review their homework, their assigned work finished or others review one of their reviews. All of these above are functions belonging to emailing. However, there is no test for these functions in the Expertise right now, which should be added to ensure valid usage of e-mailling features.

Project Requirements

What needs to be done: Understand the flow of the e-mailing functions. Do not use the development DB, otherwise your tests will not pass on TravisCI. Create RSpec file in /spec/features/ folder. Use fixtures to create the assignment record and any other records such as participant records in test DB. Use Capybara to write feature tests for: Edit E-mail address and E-mail options under profile. Test if email can be correctly received Create multiple tests to check valid and invalid cases.


Proposed future work
