CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2016/oss E1656

From Expertiza_Wiki
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E1656. Improve imports

This page provides a description of the Expertiza based OSS project.

Introduction to Expertiza

Expertiza is an open source project based on Ruby on Rails framework.

Problem Statement

The following tasks were listed for this project:

  • The simplest fix: If I try to import topics, the import page gives me this message:

“The import process expects the following columns:” but it doesn’t say what the columns are (topic number, topic name, category, number of slots, category)! It used to be in the system; please revert the change to fix this bug. See Issue 719.

  • When teams are imported in order to insert new members, the members are not inserted. See Issue 328.
  • When a team with a duplicate name is imported, one of the options is to rename the new team. There should also be an option to rename an existing team. See Issue 329.
  • Review assignments (“reviewer mappings”) should be able to be imported, but cannot be imported. See Issue 711.8It should be possible to import a list of users who have signed up for topics, but this feature does not yet exist (see Issue 153).
  • It should be possible to leave off the final fields in a line of a CSV file. These fields are often not specified anyway. For example, if a password isn’t specified when a new user is created, the system generates a password (see Issue 183). When importing topics, topic categories are rarely specified. But if the final field is blank, the import requires the CSV line to end with “, “ (comma and space). This should be fixed for all imports.
  • For every kind of data to be imported, Expertiza currently specifies the ordering of fields. This isn’t very flexible; it may require the user (an instructor) to edit an existing CSV file. It would be better if, after importing the data, Expertiza showed the data together with dropdowns containing the default field headers. (This is similar to the way Excel shows data when it is imported from a CSV file.) Then the user could change the dropdowns to cause a different ordering of fields. See Issue 110.

About Versions Controller

Current Implementation

Drawbacks and Solutions

New Implementation

Code improvements

Testing from UI
