CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2016/Badging System

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Revision as of 15:24, 11 April 2016 by Skataka (talk | contribs)
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Much like physical badges in the army and youth scout troops, digital based badges are an assessment and credentialing mechanism that is housed and managed online. Badges are designed to make visible and validate learning in both formal and informal settings, and hold the potential to help transform where and how learning is valued. In other words, badges may be used in order to set goals and motivations for students and reward and may help to improve their academic scores. Badges can also be considered as a way to reward student’s success. Moreover, badges can be used by teachers for alternative assessment techniques.

One request for the Expertiza system is to add a badging system as a way to measure student performance. Expertiza will take advantage of the motivations created from badges by awarding students with new badges based off providing a variety of factors within the Expertiza system. Some of these badges include: achieving a top percentage of scores in an assignment, achieving a high peer review score, performing well overall in a course and other manual accomplishments deemed necessary by the teaching staff for a course. Instead of implementing the whole badging system, we will call an existing web service (probably Credly) and integrate it with Expertiza.

Database Design

1. badges table

Column Type Comment
badge_id int Primary key. Auto-generated
name string Description of the badge

2. badge_users table

Column Type Comment
badge_id int Primary key. Auto-generated
user_id int Referenced from users table
course_id int Referenced from courses table
assignment_id int Referenced from assignments table
is_course_badge boolean Whether badge is a course-badge or individual-badge
strategy string Describes the strategy of awarding

3. badge_groups

Column Type Comment
badge_id int Primary key. Auto-generated
strategy string Describes the strategy of awarding
threshold int Score required to award the badge

4. assignment_groups

Column Type Comment
assignment_group_id int Primary key. Auto-generated
badge_group_id int Referenced from badge_groups table
assignment_id int Referenced from assignments table

Design Pattern

  1. MVC – The project is implemented in Ruby on Rails that uses MVC architecture. It separates an application’s data model, user interface, and control logic into three distinct components (model, view and controller, respectively).
  2. DRY Principle – We are trying to reuse the existing functionalities in Expertiza, thus avoiding code duplication. Whenever possible, code modification based on the existing classes, controllers, or tables will be done instead of creating the new one.