CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2014/OSS E1452 slj

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E1452: Refactoring AssignmentTeam and CourseTeam models

The requirements provided for the Open Source System project of Expertiza were as follows:

Classes: AssignmentTeam.rb CourseTeam.rb Team.rb

What they do: The AssignmentTeam model checks whether a team has participants for an assignment, whether a topic has been picked by the team and reviews has be given for a particular team and adds, deletes and retrieves participants in a team. The CourseTeam model gives the paticipants in a course and allows to add and delete participants in a course. This is for the use by the instructor.

What is needed: Check if we need two methods participant and get_participant as they may be similar. If so, refactor to make one method. Rename create_team_and_node method as create method (follow Ruby style) Rename includes? method to has_participant? Remove duplicate code from these 2 sublcasses of Team. Assignment_Team class too long (235 lines)
