CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2014/ch1a 3 zq
CherryPy Framework
CherryPy is a python based, object-oriented web framework that enables developers to quickly create lightweight and fast web applications.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
Some of the popular websites using it are Hulu<ref></ref> and Netflix<ref></ref>. The full list of applications using it can be found here.<ref></ref>
Basic Example
The following code demonstrates the most basic webserver using the CherryPy framework.
import cherrypy class WebApp(object): @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "Hello, CherryPy!" cherrypy.quickstart(WebApp())
Run the application, and open your web browser to localhost:8080. The following page is displayed
CherryPy provides the following method for application logging
cherrypy.log("Hello, CherryPy!")
By default, all logging is written to the console. The configuration keys log.access_file and log.error_file are also available for writing logging and errors to a text file.
Query Strings
CherryPy will automatically parse the query string of a URL. Fields are passed as method arguments with matching names, and can take advantage of default argument values.
import cherrypy class WebApp(object): @cherrypy.expose def test(self, value=1): return "Value = " + str(value) cherrypy.quickstart(WebApp())
A URL of localhost:8080/test?value=10 gives the following
Serve Static Content
Ajax Support
Publish REST APIs
Multiple HTTP Servers
Test Suite