CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2013/oss E810 aas
E810 Regularize staggered-deadline assignments
This page provides a description of the OSS project conducted on Expertiza which was done as the part of the Object Oriented Languages and Systems coursework.
Introduction to Expertiza
Expertiza is a project developed using Ruby on Rails platform. It supports peer review, team assignments and submission of projects using any method like URL, wiki page or even code. It is open source application and the code can be cloned from github.
It is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). It is used in select courses at NC State and by professors at several other colleges and universities to manage peer reviews in coursework. The source code can be forked from github and cloned for performing modifications. The Expertiza environment is already set up in NC State's VCL image "Ruby on Rails". If you have access, this is quickest way to get a development environment running for Expertiza. See the Expertiza wiki(provide hyperlink) on developing Expertiza on the VCL.