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Topic 19: How should we worship God? Question: Based on what you know from the Bible & other sources (including the Theology Matters reading), how do you think we should worship God? (Be sure to do more research into the issue. If the group cannot come to a consensus, feel free to have different group members each express their own opinions.)

There are many different ways that people in the Old testament worshiped the Lord. Many of them where through sacrificing, (Genesis 8:20-And Noah built an altar unto the Lord; and took of every clean beast and clean fowl, and offered burnt offering on the altar.) dancing,(2Samuel 6:14) And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with linen ephod.)singing,(Psalm 66:1-2 Make a joyful noise God, all ye lands. Sing fourth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious. Playing instruments,(Psalm 92:3 upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltry: upon the harp with a solemn sound.) Some even would worship the Lord in just being still.(Psalm 84:4 Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah.)

Worshiping is only reserved for God. Only he is worthy; We are not to worship saint, idols, angels, prophets, statues or any other false Gods. Worship is done for God. Worship can be public praise to God.(Psalm22:22 I will declare thy name unto my brethern: in the mist of the congregation will I praise thee.)

King David was a great example of how to worship God. David worship the Lord with all his heart. Many of the Psalms reflect David’s passionate heart for worship.(Psalm 92:1 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name, O most high.

(For Works cited page)

Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 502. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 502. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 489. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 6. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 273. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 471. Zondervan. King James Bible. Ed. Zondervan. Michigan: Grand Rapids, 1992. 476. http://www.allaboutgod.com/worship-c.htm . 2 Lynn Williams