CSC/ECE 517 Summer 2008/wiki3 7 shopper

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Shopper pattern


The idea of a "shopping cart" is ubiquitous in e-commerce. This idea lends itself to abstraction in the form of a Shopper pattern. Find examples and descriptions that are suitable for teaching this pattern, if possible, including some non-obvious applications. Write up your findings in the form of a narrative. Hint: You will have an easier time of searching if you exclude any pages including the terms "sewing" or "fabric"!

The Shopping Cart Pattern

Shopping carts are a very useful feature of websites that sell things. They allow users to easily pick out items to purchase.

A shopping cart is useful in the following situations, from

  • Use when the user can possibly buy more than one product.
  • Use when the user can possibly buy more than one instance of a product.
  • Use when the user may want to return later to carry on shopping
  • Use when the user may want to return at a later time to conduct payment

Some of the features of shopping carts are the ability to add and remove items, change the quantities of items, and checkout all the items it contains. A shopper is a user of a shopping cart, and so it makes sense that the Shopper patterns would be designed to interact with those operations.

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