CSC 379:Research Assignment Sample

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Study Guide

Table of Contents


   * Safety-critical systems Oxford University - this site contains information on safety-critical systems where lives may be at risk involving software and computers.

Medical Safety

Let's face it, just about everything in a hospital is tied to a computer somewhere. So what happens if these machines don't produce their expected results?

Aviation and Space

What happens when you send a multi-million dollar sattelite into orbit and the program has a bug in it? How about if an Air Traffic Controller crashes 104 times in one day?

The Case of the "Killer Robot"

How would you like to be killed by the robot you're operating?

Other Computer-Related Accidents

   * Risks Digest Forum   - Forum on risks to the public in computers and related systems
   * Taipei subway computer crash   The Risks Digest
   * Girl killed in automatic car window   The Risks Digest

Case Studies

 A list of links from The Risks Digest to different kinds of problems that can arise when computers crash or the software is not fully tested during development.
  1. Financial
         * Computer Error in phone bills   RD, May 1996
         * Largest Computer Error in US Banking History: US$763.9 BILLION?   RD, May 1996
         * Roundoff Error on Detroit Edison bills   RD, May 1996
         * Rounding Errors and Grammar Checkers   RD, June 1996
         * Computer Disk Crash Causes Misprinted Ballots   RD, Sept 1994
         * Lost Canadian Crime Statistics Data   RD, Sept 1993
         * Bank Mailing Problem RD, Aug 1993
         * Programming Errors Affect State Lottery   RD, Dec 1992
         * Pepsi promotion error blamed on computer glitch   RD, June 1992
         * Computer Scoring Glitch at Olympics   RD, Aug 1992

  2. Engineering Events
         * Taipei subway computer crash   RD, June 1996
         * Click *here* to Lower the Fuel Rods   RD, June 1996
         * Patriot: The Missile that Missed   RD, Apr 1992
         * Girl Killed in Automatic Car Window   RD, June 1992
         * Software Bug on TOPEX Spacecraft   RD, Aug 1992
         * Software Problems on Hubble Too   RD, Sept 1992
         * A320 engine control problem at Gatwick   RD, Oct 1992
         * Nuclear Computer Safety Fears   RD, Oct 1991