CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2023 - E2357. Refactor sign up sheet controller.rb

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Revision as of 19:41, 30 October 2023 by Adesai7 (talk | contribs) (→‎Solutions)
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This wiki page is for the information regarding the changes made for the E2257 OSS assignment for Fall 2023, CSC/ECE 517.


Expertiza is an open source project developed on Ruby on Rails. This web application is maintained by the student and faculty at NC State. This application gives complete control to the instructor to maintain the assignments in their class. With multiple functionalities such as adding topics, creating groups, and peer reviews, Expertiza is a well-developed application that can handle all types of assignments. To learn more about the full functionality Expertiza has to offer, visit the Expertiza wiki.

About Controller

The sign up sheet controller contains all functions related to the management of the signup sheet for an assignment:

  • Allows an instructor to add/remove topics to an assignment.
  • Allows an instructor to edit properties of topics.
  • Allows an instructor to assign/remove students to topics
  • Allows a student to see the list of available topics which they can bid on for a given OSS assignment.


  • Naming is inconsistent. When used as a verb, “sign up” is two words. When an adjective or a noun, it should be one word, e.g., “signup_sheet_controller.” Cf. “sign_up_as_instructor”. Please make the naming consistent. Of course, this will result in changes in calling methods as well. [Mostly fixed by previous version of project.]
  • Update method has a plethora of instance variables defined before updating. These might not be necessary (e.g., look at update method of bookmarks_controller). Decide whether so many instance variables are really needed. Refactor the variables not needed out. [This may have already been fixed, but save_topic_deadline also has these problems.]
  • Add_signup_topics_staggered does not do anything different from add_signup_topics. Separate functions are needed, because add_signup_topics_staggered needs to make sure that the deadlines are set. [Assignment 1042 has staggered deadlines]
  • Several method names can be improved (including: load_add_signup_topics, list, ad_info etc.)
  • What are differences between signup_as_instructor and signup_as_instructor_action methods? Investigate if they are needed and improve the method names if both are needed. Provide comments as to what each method does.
  • The list method is too long and is sparsely commented. Provide comments and identify if the method can be split or made cleaner by moving code to models or helper methods.
  • Refactor participants variable in load_add_signup_topics
  1. [In retrospect, the meaning of this is not clear. The @participants variable is used in a way that is very obscure, with code spread across several views, and no comments saying what it is doing. It used to be that participants (individual students) signed up for topics. Now, only teams can sign up for topics. So @participants does not make sense.
  • Signup_as_instructor_action has if-else ladder. It can be made more elegant. [If it is worth keeping this method at all.]
  • Delete_signup and delete_signup_as_instructor have much in common and violate the DRY principle. Refactor.
  • Also see Code Climate issues. To reduce the size of the file, you could move some methods to sign_up_sheet_helper.rb [We are trying to fix how you access Code Climate, but haven’t fixed it yet.]


1. The naming inconsistency issue has already been fixed by the previous version of the project. It has been verified by us.

2. Refactoring the Update method

Before refactoring

 def update
   @topic = SignUpTopic.find(params[:id])
   if @topic
     @topic.topic_identifier = params[:topic][:topic_identifier]
     update_max_choosers @topic
     @topic.category = params[:topic][:category]
     @topic.topic_name = params[:topic][:topic_name]
     @topic.micropayment = params[:topic][:micropayment]
     @topic.description = params[:topic][:description] = params[:topic][:link]
     undo_link("The topic: \"#{@topic.topic_name}\" has been successfully updated. ")
     flash[:error] = 'The topic could not be updated.'
   # Akshay - correctly changing the redirection url to topics tab in edit assignment view.
   redirect_to edit_assignment_path(params[:assignment_id]) + '#tabs-2'

After refactoring

def update
   @topic = SignUpTopic.find(params[:id])
   if @topic
     update_max_choosers @topic
     @topic.update_attributes(topic_identifier: params[:topic][:topic_identifier], category: params[:topic][:category],
     topic_name: params[:topic][:topic_name], micropayment: params[:topic][:micropayment], description: params[:topic][:description],link:params[:topic][:link] )
     undo_link("The topic: \"#{@topic.topic_name}\" has been successfully updated. ")
     flash[:success] = 'The topic has been updated.'
     flash[:error] = 'The topic could not be updated.'
   # Akshay - correctly changing the redirection url to topics tab in edit assignment view.
   redirect_to edit_assignment_path(params[:assignment_id]) + '#tabs-2'







