CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2023 E2318: Reimplement Participants Controller

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Expertiza is an Open Source Rails application which is used by instructors and students for creating assignments and submitting peer reviews. Expertiza allows the instructor to create and customize assignments, create a list of topics the students can sign up for, have students work on teams and also review each other's assignments. Expertiza supports submissions across various document types, including URLs and wiki pages. The Source code of the application can be cloned from Github.


In expertiza, there are three different types of users - normal users (typically students), administrators, super administrators. A normal user can participate in a course or an assignment or both. Courses and assignments are different entities in the system which allow enrollment of users. While a course is an independent entity, an assignment is part of a course.

The participants controller manages the participants across these courses and assignments by providing functionalities like listing all participants, adding a participant to a course or an assignment, updating the authorizations of a participant (can_submit, can_review, can_take_quiz), deleting a participant, inheriting participants from a course to an assignment, bequeath assignment participants to the corresponding course, changing the handle name of a participant in an assignment, and deleting a participant from an assignment.
