Talk:CSC 379 SUM2008:Week 1, Group 3

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Hey guys, don't forget to discuss the ethical implications of the things you are writing about

Resubmission after viewing reviews

Hey guys, here are some obvious things we need to fix for the resubmission after reading the reviews:

  • Need viewpoint statements from both the spammer point of view as well as the one getting spammed
  • Definitely need more in the area of talking about the ethical issues at hand
  • Need more embedded links and possibly examples of spamming situations

I'll work on the Viewpoints/Controversy section


We also need to check for spelling/ grammar mistakes. I can do this tonight. Let me know what else you'd like me to work on. I can't get to this until about 8:30 tonight due to work and class.

--Matt Brown

Yeah I won't be able to work on it till tonight since I have to get some work done. If you wanna do grammar check as well as add some of the ethical implication stuff, that'd be cool. Odds are alot of the grammar stuff was me :)
