CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2022 - E2205: Testing for participants controller, versions controller

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About Expertiza

Expertiza is the software benefits for both instructors and students by supporting various types of submissions and providing reusable objects for peer review. It is an open-source project based on Ruby on Rails framework. It allows the instructors not only to create and customize new or existing assignments but also to create a list of topics the students can sign up for. Students can form teams to work on various projects and assignments. Expertiza also lets students peer-review other students' submissions, enabling them to work together to improve others' learning experiences.

Description about project

This page is a description of Expertiza OSS project E2205 which is testing for participants_controller and versions_controller

Files Involved

  • participants_controller_spec.rb
  • versions_controller_spec.rb

Running Tests

rspec ./spec/controllers/participants_controller_spec.rb
rspec ./spec/controllers/versions_controller_spec.rb 



Test Execution



The pull request [1]

The forked git repository [2]