CSC 379:Week 1, Group 5
Techniques Against Spam
Block Domains
Background A Technique to black spam that creates a blacklist of known spammers that can be used by email providers by the user. This will cause suspect spam to be sent to a spam folder or the automatic rejection of emails from blocked domains
It will effectively block spam from known spamming addresses.
Legitimate domains could be blocked as a result of a computer being hijacked
Require users to request permission to send your email
Background A Technique to black spam that requires senders to request permision to send you an email. Senders not on your approved list , or white list email will be rejected or sent to a differnt folder. One example of this is the Earthlink Spam Blocker
The user should never receive spam.
Could have emails that a user might want to see that is not spam, but also not on your approved list.
Charge for e-mail sent
Background If there is a cost per email sent spammers sending out millions of spam then would not be able spam at such a high rate
Spam would be cut down due to the cost
users will have to pay a cost per email sent as well
Opt in / opt out
Domain authentication
Rewards for information that leads to arrest of spammers.