CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2019 - E1980. Sort instructor reports by name, ID, score, etc.

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  • In Expertiza, peer reviews are used as a metric to evaluate someone’s project. Once someone has peer reviewed a project, the authors of the project can also provide feedback for this review, called “author feedback.” While grading peer reviews, it would be nice for the instructors to include the author feedback, since it shows how helpful the peer review actually was to the author of the project.

Problem Statement

Expertiza allows instructors to view kinds of reports of assignments in their courses such as submissions, scores, and review reports. To improve the report views, some table columns such as team name, score, the average should be made sortable by using the same existing sort library.

#Issue 1: We have to sort “Review done”, “Team reviewed”, “Score awarded/Avg score”, “Assign Grade” and write comments. in the “view review report” table. The sort button should work on all browsers, not only chrome.