E1932 Expertiza Internationalization - Spring 2019
Sections to be created:
Team Members
Mandhani Kushal [mkushal@ncsu.edu]
Srinivas Nethra Padala [spadala@ncsu.edu]
Anusha Godavarthi [agodava@ncsu.edu]
Harshit Badiyani [hbbadiya@ncsu.edu]
Zhewei Hu (zhu6@ncsu.edu)
Expertiza is an open source project based on Ruby on Rails framework. Expertiza allows the instructor to create new assignments and customize new or existing assignments. It also allows the instructor to create a list of topics the students can sign up for. Students can form teams in Expertiza to work on various projects and assignments. Students can also peer review other students' submissions. Expertiza supports submission across various document types, including the URLs and wiki pages.
Internationalization is the process of designing a software application so that it can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes. Localization is the process of adapting internationalized software for a specific region or language by translating text and adding locale-specific components. Both in re-engineering an existing software or designing a new internationalized software, the first step of internationalization is to split each potentially locale-dependent part (whether code, text or data) into a separate module. Each module can then either rely on a standard library/dependency or be independently replaced as needed for each locale.
Link to pull request and git repo
Pull Request: Coming Soon!
Git Repository: https://github.com/Mandhani/expertiza
Problem Statement
As of now, expertiza only supports English and many students are from other countries and speak different languages. They might not be able to understand english. The purpose of our project - expertiza internationalization is to allow students to understand the web application in their own language by modifying the existing code base and emphasizing on the student views. Our end goal would be to enable students to change the language through a dropdown located in the navigation bar at the top of the web page without any page breaks. The language that we would work with is Hindi.
Project design
Previous work
A team has worked on the same Internationalization problem and they have added the following major functionalities:
- Enabled a dropdown for students to change language to english or hindi. The default language is english and the conversion of static strings to hindi was done using Google translate.
- For the student views, regular static strings have been translated from english to hindi using google translate. Yml files contain the translated strings for the respective languages. There are two yml files currently in their config/locales directory - en.yml, hi_IN.yml that represent english and hindi respectively.
- Changes were made in the routes.rb, application.rb and application_controller.rb to enable access to the yml files that allow language translation. An important functionality here was to set the locale ( language to use) for the application which was taken from the URL query params. If none, it defaults to the default locale file (which is english). The URL always has a locale mentioned as claimed by the authors.
- Keys are included in the yml files which are the placeholders of the words that need to be translated. Yml knows what view folders to look in while choosing the keys in html files and also references keys in other html files which help in reducing duplicate key names.
For the current project, we are building our code on what the previous team has already done. There were many issues identified and our mentor instructed us to refine and fix the issues pertaining only to the student views.
Use Cases
The use case diagrams for our current project show the approach of changing the language in the assignment landing page as well as changing the language of the view when you select a particular assignment.
Solutions and Implementation
The previous project on expertiza internationalization was successful in translating the static strings to Hindi but it had a few issues that were identified and fixed. They are listed as follows :
Issue 1: Bugs in view/student_review files that prevents the parameter id to persist in the web page link after making the language change from english to hindi .
Solution and Implementation
Files edited:
- View: app/views/shared/_navigation.html.erb
Code snippet from the view:
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Select language<b class="caret"></b></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li><%=link_to_unless_current "English", locale: "en" %></li> <li><%=link_to_unless_current "Hindi", locale: "hi_IN" %></li> </ul> </li>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"> <% if session[:user].role.student? %> <% if session[:user] != nil && session[:user].role.student? %> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Select language<b class="caret"></b></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li><%=link_to_unless_current "English", locale: "en", :params => request.query_parameters %></li> <li><%=link_to_unless_current "Hindi", locale: "hi_IN", :params => request.query_parameters %></li> <li><%=link_to_unless_current "English", params.merge(locale: "en", only_path: true) %></li> <li><%=link_to_unless_current "Hindi", params.merge(locale: "hi_IN", only_path: true)%></li> </ul> </li>

It can be observed that the parameter id and locale persists after making the change from english to hindi
Issue 2: NoMethodError occurs when we try to change language from pages other than the Assignment landing page. The behavior is inconsistent, i.e., works from some pages but throws this error from most other pages.
Solution and Implementation
Files edited:
- config/routes.rb - Removed one line of code :
scope "(:locale)", locale: /#{I18n.available_locales.join("|")}/
- Controller: app/controllers/application_controller.rb
Code snippet from the view:
def set_locale I18n.locale = params[:locale] || I18n.default_locale end def default_url_options(options={}) {locale: I18n.locale}.merge options end
def set_locale @locale ||= params[:locale] || session[:locale] || I18n.default_locale I18n.locale = session[:locale] = @locale else I18n.locale = params[:locale] || I18n.default_locale end end def default_url_options(options={}) options end

It can be observed that the NoMethodError no longer persists when we change language to hindi in the profile page
Issue 3: The select language option is not consistent i.e if the selected language is Hindi, and you navigate back, the web application changes to the default language setting that is English. The session is not consistent, the default locale language persists. This fails for web page's "back" button at the bottom of the page.
Solution and Implementation
Files edited:
- Views: app/views/student_review/list.html.erb
"app/views/student_teams/edit.html.erb " "app/views/student_teams/view.html.erb" " app/views/student_task/view.html.erb" "app/views/submitted_content/edit.html.erb" "app/views/participants/change_handle.html.erb"
Code snippets from the views:
<a href="javascript:window.history.back()"><%=t ".back"%></a>
<%= link_to t(".back"), :controller=>'student_task', :action => 'view', :id => @student %>
Issue 3: Static text translation not entirely done. For example, the quizzes and self review pages still need translation to be done for static strings. The scope of our project is limited to the student views only.
Solution and Implementation
We have translated all the static strings of student views to hindi using key value references for both the languages. We have also translated dynamic strings as well.
Files edited:
All the student view files to which key values are added
Code Snippets of newly added dynamic key values:
<tr><td><%= label_tag('user[fullname]', t('.name_convention')) %></td><td>
Code snippets of the yml file translations:
users: prefs: email: "E-mail Options" email_option: "Check the boxes representing the times when you want to receive e-mail." email_review: "When someone else reviews my work" email_other_review: "When someone else submits work I am assigned to review" see_review: "When someone else reviews one of my reviews (metareviews my work)" send_mail: "Send me copies of emails sent for assignments"
users: prefs: email: "ईमेल के विकल्प" email_option: " चुनाव कीजिये जब आप ईमेल प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं " email_review: "जब कोई और मेरे काम की समीक्षा करता है" email_other_review: "जब कोई दूसरा काम करता है तो मुझे समीक्षा करने का काम सौंपा जाता है" see_review: "जब कोई और मेरी एक समीक्षा करता है" send_mail: "मुझे असाइनमेंट के लिए भेजे गए"
Issue 5 : Enabling instructors to choose the language they want to use in a certain course.
Solution and Implementation
Files edited: db/schema.rb application_controller.rb
All the student view files to which key values are added
Code Snippets :
application_controller.rb Before:
def set_locale I18n.locale = params[:locale] || I18n.default_locale end
def set_locale if(logged_in? && current_user_role? && current_user_role.student?) @tasks = StudentTask.from_user(current_user) if !session[:locale] && !@tasks.empty? if @tasks[0].assignment.course_id? course_id = @tasks[0].assignment.course_id course = Course.find(course_id) if course.locale? session[:locale] = course.locale end end end @locale ||= session[:locale] || params[:locale] || I18n.default_locale I18n.locale = session[:locale] = @locale else I18n.locale = params[:locale] || I18n.default_locale end end
We plan on fixing all of these issues and make these changes ready to be merged into expertiza repository. We have reviewed all the changes done by the previous team and strongly believe that the changes were on the right track. However, there are few things that the previous team missed and we plan on making things right. For example, the previous team changed only the text for the "back" button and missed analyzing the javascript code snippet. The code snippet basically loads the old code without any params. We plan on fixing these by replacing that snippet with proper ruby back urls. Basically, we will try to remove "<a href="javascript:window.history.back()"><%=t ".back" %></a>" which is causing reset of locale and make sure that the locale is propagated over to the previous page.
Since the params are not being propagated over to the pages after setting the new locale, this is causing the breakages of links and leading to NoMethodErrors. We will also fix this by making sure that the params are propagated to the next pages. This should fix the first three bugs identified. We will fix any more issues as we face them and update this section, if deemed necessary.
We will also complete the pending translations of the static texts in some of the pages identified. We will make sure that all the pages within the student view have no static content untranslated.
Following are the files that have been modified by the previous team and we will also be working on the same files for our changes.
- app/views/
- views/student_review
- _responses.html.erb
- list.html.erb
- _set_dynamic_review.html.erb
- views/participants
- change_handle.html.erb
- sign_up_sheet/
- _suggested_topic.html.erb
- _table_header.html.erb
- list.html.erb
- student_task/
- list.html.erb
- view.html.erb
- _publishing_rights.html.erb
- student_teams/
- edit.html.erb
- view.html.erb
- submitted_content/
- _hyperlink.html.erb
- _main.html.erb
- _self_review.html.erb
- _submitted_files.html.erb
- _title.html.erb
- edit.html.erb
- grades/
- view_my_scores.html.erb
- view_team.html.erb
- views/student_review
Mock Screens
Original Assignments page
Translated Assignments page
From our observation, errors are prevalent when referencing keys from other files.
Test Plan
Our test plan would include two parts - Feature testing and Manual testing
Feature Testing
Feature testing in our project aims is used to add new functionality , modify existing functionality and test these new features to the files in expertiza/spec/features folder that can be accessed here. We plan to recreate methods in the test files to reflect the language change to hindi in the student views. For this purpose , we plan to add and modify feature tests in the assignment_submission_spec.rb file.
Manual Testing
Through manual testing, we aim to identify if all the features of the application are working as intended when the language conversion occurs.
Scenario 1
1. Log in to Expertiza as a student.
2. Go to language dropdown in the navigation bar and choose Hindi.
3. Check if language is changed in the URL from en to hi_IN
4. Check to see if the English strings on the page are translated to Hindi
5. While still logged in as a Student, check if the other Assignment related pages are also translated.
Scenario 2
1. Log in to Expertiza as a student.
2. Go to language dropdown in the navigation bar and choose Hindi.
3. Check if language is changed in the URL from en to hi_IN
4. Check to see if the English strings on the page are translated to Hindi
5. While still logged in as a Student, check if the other Assignment related pages are also translated.
6. Go back to the main Assignment page and choose English from the dropdown.
7. See if the language was changed in the URL to en.
8. See if the strings are translated back to English for all Assignment related pages.
Scenario 3
1. Log in to Expertiza as a student.
2. Go to URL and change the language from en to hi_IN.
3. Check to see if the English strings on the page are translated to Hindi.
4. While still logged in as a Student, check if the other Assignment related pages are also translated.
Scenario 4
1. Log in to Expertiza as a student.
2. Go to URL and change the language from en to hi_IN.
3. Check to see if the English strings on the page are translated to Hindi.
4. While still logged in as a Student, check if the other Assignment related pages are also translated.
5. Now change the language back from hi_IN to en in the URL.
6. See if the Hindi strings are translated back to English for all Assignment related pages.
1. Internationalization and Localization Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalization_and_localization
Support Material
1. https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html#how-i18n-in-ruby-on-rails-works[1]
2. https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html#setting-the-locale-from-url-params[2]
3. https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html#abstracting-localized-code[3]
4. https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html#providing-translations-for-internationalized-strings[4]
5. https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html#passing-variables-to-translations [5]