CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2018/E1876 Completion/Progress view

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Revision as of 21:07, 13 November 2018 by Psingh22 (talk | contribs) (→‎Test Plan)
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Problem Statement

In Expertiza, peer reviews are used as a metric to evaluate someone’s project. Once someone has peer reviewed a project, the authors of the project can also provide a feedback for this review in terms of ‘Author feedback’. While grading peer reviews, it would be nice for the instructors to take into account the author feedbacks given on a particular peer review, this will be helpful in evaluating how helpful the peer review actually was to the author of the project.


The aim of this project is to build this into the system. We need an additional column in the 'Review Report' page for reviews which shows the calculation of the author feedback. This will help instructor's to know how the reviews proved useful to the authors/team. The aim of this project is to integrate the author feedback column in the summary page



The following are the table structures we will need for mapping. First, the questions table has all the questions based on the questionnaire. We will be only concerned with the questions in the feedback questionnaire. The answers for each question in the feedback questionnaire is saved in Answers table below based on Question ID. Now, in order to know if the answers is a feedback by team members or a review by reviewer, the mapping for Answers table is done by response_id which is a foreign key to response table. Response table gives us map_id which maps to Response Maps table. Now, Response Map table gives us information of the reviewer_id, reviewee_id, reviewed_object_id (which is the id for the assignment being reviewed) and the type (whether it's a teammate review, author feedback or a regular review). We will have to fetch the answers from the Answer table based on response_id because in our case, the response is from a reviewee and not a reviewer. So, we will fetch those answers whose response type is FeedbackResponseMap and calculate scores for those questions from Review_Scores table.

Questions Table Structure

Field Name Type Description
id int(11) unique identifier for the record
txt text the question string
weight int(11) specifies the weighting of the question
questionnaire_id int(11) the id of the questionnaire that this question belongs to
type VARCHAR(255) Type of question
size VARCHAR(255) Size of the question
alternatives VARCHAR(255) Other question which means the same
break_before BIT
max_label VARCHAR(255)
min_label VARCHAR(255)

Answer Table Structure

Field Name Type Description
id int(11) Unique ID for each Answers record.
question_id int(11) ID of Question.
answer int(11) Value of each of the answer.
comments text Comment given to the answer.
reponse_id int(11) ID of the response associated with this Answer.

Response Table Structure

Field Name Type Description
id int(11) The unique record id
map_id int(11) The ID of the response map defining the relationship that this response applies to
additional_comment text An additional comment provided by the reviewer to support his/her response
updated_at datetime The timestamp indicating when this response was last modified
created_at datetime The timestamp indicating when this response was created
version_num int(11) The version of the review.
round int(11) The round the review is connected to.
is_submitted tinyint(1) Boolean Field to indicate whether the review is submitted.

Response Map Table

Field Name Type Description
id int(11) The unique record id
reviewed_object_id int(11) The object being reviewed in the response. Possible objects include other ResponseMaps or assignments
reviewer_id int(11) The participant (actually AssignmentParticipant) providing the response
reviewee_id int(11) The team (AssignmentTeam) receiving the response
type varchar(255) Used for subclassing the response map. Available subclasses are ReviewResponseMap, MetareviewResponseMap, FeedbackResponseMap, TeammateReviewResponseMap
created_at DATETIME Date and Time for when the record was created
updated_at DATETIME Date and Time when the last update was made
calibrate_to BIT

UI Implementation

In the page Review report for Design exercise ( login as an instructor -> Manage -> Assignments -> View review report ), we are planning to add one more column to show the average ratings for the authors feedback on a particular assignment. The logic for calculating the average score for the feedback would be similar to already implemented logic for score awarded/ average score column. Below attached shows the page we are planning to edit.

Code Logic

Following shows the code logic we are planning to write for calculating the avg scores for the feedback given by authors.

 def calculate_avg_score_by_criterion(question_answers, q_max_score)
      # get score and summary of answers for each question
      # only include divide the valid_answer_sum with the number of valid answers

      valid_answer_counter = 0
      question_score = 0.0
      question_answers.each do |ans|
        # calculate score per question
        unless ans.answer.nil?
          question_score += ans.answer
          valid_answer_counter += 1

      if valid_answer_counter > 0 and q_max_score > 0
        # convert the score in percentage
        question_score /= (valid_answer_counter * q_max_score)
        question_score = question_score.round(2) * 100


Test Plan

  • Plan to test the response report page (/review_mapping/response_report?id={:assignmentID}) to make sure the new field (avg author feedback) exists
    • Using rspec we will add a test case to ReviewMappingControllerSpec.rb

    context 'when type is FeedbackResponseMap' do
      context 'when assignment has author feedback feature' do
        it 'renders response_report page with average author feedback data' do
          allow(assignment).to receive(:varying_rubrics_by_round?).and_return(true)
          allow(FeedbackResponseMap).to receive(:feedback_response_report).with('1', 'FeedbackResponseMap')
                                                                          .and_return([participant, participant1], [1, 2], [3, 4], [])
          params = {
            id: 1,
            report: {type: 'FeedbackResponseMap'},
          get :response_report, params
          expect(response).to render_template(:response_report)
          expect(response).to have(:avg_author_feedback)
  • Also, we plan to manually test the response report page to make sure the new field is aligning well in the UI in the expected place. We will attach the screenshot of the UI as the test result.

