CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2018/E1841 Issues Related to Rubrics

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E1553 : Issues Related to Rubrics


Expertiza is an Peer Review Web Application System. It allows multiple students to participate in various assignments posted by the Instructor and provides a platform to all the students to conduct a peer review on the work done by their peers. Expertiza is an opensource project written in Ruby on Rails and React.js. We as a team have targeted some specific issues related to this project and Have tried Our best to fix them.

Problem Statement

What it Does

In Expertiza, instructors (also admin, super admin and TAs) can create rubrics (they are called questionnaires in DB, there are different types like review rubric, teammate review rubric, etc. Each rubric may have one or many criteria (called questions in DB). For each criterion, it may have 0 to many suggestions.

whats Wrong with it

There are some known issues that need to be fixed for this part of code

Fixes Required

  • If an instructor has created an assignment with specific review rubric and reviews have been performed using the same rubric. After that if an instructor changes the rubric to more reasonable one, the reviews performed earlier won’t work. You need to fix this issue. An instructor should be warned about changing the rubric if there are outstanding reviews. Maybe it would be better to ask the instructor whether to delete previous reviews, & if so, tell the students to redo those reviews because the rubric has changed.