CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2018- Project M1803: Implement a web page fuzzer to find rendering mismatches (Part 2)
By Alexander Simpson(adsimps3), Abhay Soni (asoni3), Dileep badveli (dbadvel) and Jake Batty(jbatty)
By Alexander Simpson(adsimps3), Abhay Soni (asoni3), Dileep badveli (dbadvel) and Jake Batty(jbatty)
This goal of this project is to create a tool that can randomly generate valid HTML pages, then automatically load them in both Firefox and Servo using the WebDriver protocol and report if both engines render the content identically. As a part of the OSS project we created a tool which generates random valid HTML files and automated servo. Now, as a part of this project we are supposed to finish the subsequent steps in the project which is explained below.
Previous Work (Part of the OSS Project)
As per the project description, we were expected to complete the initial steps. The implementation is explained below for each of these steps.
- 1. In a new repository, create a program that can generate a skeleton HTML file with a doctype, head element, and body element, print the result to stdout
- - Here is the link to the repository which contains file which will be used to generate random valid HTML files.
- 2 Add a module to the program that enable generating random content specific to the <head> element (such as inline CSS content inside of a <style> element) and add it to the generated output
- - As per the file, here is the code which generates random content specific to the head element and adds style on top of it.