CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2018/E1813 Test Menu Items Model
This wiki page is for the description of changes made under E1813 OSS Assignment for Spring 2018, CSC/ECE 517.
Expertiza Background
Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, codes, websites, etc). Instructors add and edit assignments to Expertiza. Students can be assigned in teams based on their selection of the topics. The Expertiza project is supported by the National Science Foundation. The Expertiza project is software to create reusable learning objects through peer review. It also supports team projects, and the submission of almost any document type, including URLs and wiki pages.
Problem Statement
This project uses assignment.rb. This is one of the most complex files in Expertiza. It contains a lot of methods that are long and hard to understand. These methods need to be broken down into simpler and more specific methods that are easier to read/understand. Also, the few instances of code duplication that exist should also be removed.
Files Involved
These two were the files we made our changes in :
1. app/models/assignment.rb
2. spec/models/assignment_spec.rb
Team Members
Team members who collaborated to work on this problem are :
1. Aayush Patial
2. Riken Shah
3. Sahil Dorwat
Plan Of Work
This is the course of solution we followed throughout our project: