CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2017 E1714

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Revision as of 01:15, 31 March 2017 by Trichmo (talk | contribs) (→‎Testing: Added precondition information)
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For instructors to sign up or drop students from a topic, the instructors can impersonate a student and then choose to sing up or drop a topic. The current workflow introduces unnecessary complexity to the process. For adding or dropping multiple students from topics, the workflow is quite cumbersome and involves changing between many pages


An instructor is able to view a list of all topics for a given an assignment and details about the topics. Each topic shows if a student is signed up for the topic, and if so which students are signed up or wait listed. The proposed change introduces a button next to each team of students that indicates removing that team from being signed up for the specific topic. In this manner, an instructor is more easily able to drop students from topics. Along with the removal from signup, an instructor also has the option to sign a specific student up for a topic. To allow this action, a new button was introduced in the topic name box which redirects to a new page. The new page allows the instructor to enter a student's name which should be signed up for the topic. Once added, the instructor is brought back to the previous edit assignment page.

Expected Functionality

Instructor signs up a student for a topic

From the instructor's edit assignments page with the tab topics selected, the instructor should see a list of topics for the given assignment. For each topic, the instructor should be able to:

  • Sign a student up if "No choosers" is displayed.
    • If the student is part of a team, the whole team should be signed up
    • If the student is not part of a team, a team should be created with only the given student as a member
  • Sign a student up for the waitlist if a team is already signed up
    • If the student is part of a team, the whole team should be signed up
    • If the student is not part of a team, a team should be created with only the given student as a member
    • The team should be added to the end of the waitlist

Each action is performed by choosing the green checkmark next to the desired topic name

Instructor removes a student's signup for a topic

From the instructor's edit assignments page with the tab topics selected, the instructor should see a list of topics for the given assignment. For each topic, the instructor should be able to:

  • Remove a team's signup for a specific topic
    • The team should no longer be signed up for the topic
    • Any waitlisted teams should now be signed up for the topic
  • Remove a team from the waitlist for a specific topic
    • The team should be removed from the waitlist

Each action is done by choosing the x enclosed by a red circle next to the desired team

Peer Review Information

Please review the information below for further information on how to review the modifications made.

Login Information:

Username Password Role
instructor6 password instructor
student4340 password student
student4405 password student
student6376 password student

Review Steps:

  • Check with assignments a student is signed up for
    • Log in as a student
    • On the main page, there should be a list of assignments which the user can be removed from signup
      • Note removing the signup only works if the student hasn't turned in work or the drop deadline has not passed
  • Add a student to a course or assignment
    • Log in as an instructor
    • Go to "Courses" tab to add a student to a course, go to "Assignments" tab to add a student to an assignment
    • Choose "Add Participants" button under "Actions" column. It appears as a person wearing a blue shirt with a gree plus above them
    • The list shows all users currently signed up and what role they have
    • Scroll to the bottom of the bottom of the page
      • Type in the student's name in the text box next to "Enter a user login"
      • Ensure the "Participant" radio button is selected
      • Select add
  • Reaching assignment topics page
    • Login as an instructor
    • In the top red navigation bar, choose "Manage.."
    • Select "Assignments" above the search bar
    • Click the pencil button under actions column for any assignment
    • Select the "Topics" tab
  • Signing a student up
    • Navigate to the assignment topics page
    • Under the "Topic name(s)" column, click the checkmark for a given topic
    • At the redirected page, type in an existing student user
    • You should be redirected back to the "Edit Assignment" page, select the "Topics" tab to view your change
  • Remove a team's signup from a topic
    • Navigate to the assignment topics page
    • Under the "Topic name(s)" column, click the x surrounded by a red circle for a given topic
    • You should be redirected back to the "Edit Assignment" page, select the "Topics" tab to view your change
  • Check to ensure a student can see his addition or removal from a topic
    • Sign in as a student
    • Select the assignment of interest on the home page
    • The "your work" link should be grayed out with a message "(You have to choose a topic first) " if you've just removed the user's signup
    • The "your work" link should be active if you've signed the user up
      • Select the link "signup sheet"
      • The topic you've signed the user up for should be highlighted in yellow



The topic_name partial is the primary view for this feature. It renders the table cell where the topic, team, and students are listed. The following code was modified: <% for participant in @participants %>

 <% if == participant.topic_id %>
   <% chooser_present = true %>
     <% if(@assignment.max_team_size > 1)%>
       <b><%= participant.team_name_placeholder%><%= link_to image_tag('signup.png', :border => 0, :title => 'Waitlist Student', :align => 'middle'), signup_as_instructor_sign_up_sheet_index_path( assignment_id: params[:id], topic_id: %></b>
       <%= participant.user_name_placeholder%><%= link_to image_tag('leave_topic.png', :border => 0, :title => 'Drop Student', :align => 'middle'), :controller => "sign_up_sheet", :action => "delete_signup_as_instructor", :id => participant.team_id, :topic_id => %>
     <% else %>
       <%= participant.user_name_placeholder%>
     <% end %>
     <% if participant.is_waitlisted == true %>
       <font color='red'>(waitlisted)</font>
     <% end %>
   <% end %>
 <% end %>
 <% if chooser_present == false %>
   No choosers.<%= link_to image_tag('signup.png', :border => 0, :title => 'Sign Up Student', :align => 'middle'), signup_as_instructor_sign_up_sheet_index_path( assignment_id: params[:id], topic_id: %>
 <% end %>

The instructor will see a different set of links depending on whether or not a team has already been assigned to a topic. If no team is present, only a single link that adds a student and their team will be visible. If a team is already present, then an additional link that drops that existing team will be visible. In this case, the signup link will add students to the waitlist instead.


The signup_sheet_controller is where most of the new functionality is introduced.

 def signup_as_instructor_action
   user = User.find_by(name: params[:username])
   unless user.nil? # validate invalid user
     unless SignUpSheet.signup_team(params[:assignment_id],, params[:topic_id])
       flash[:error] = "The student has already signed up for a topic!"
       flash[:success] = "You have successfully signed up the student for the topic!"
     flash[:error] = "That student does not exist!"
   redirect_to controller: 'assignments', action: 'edit', id: params[:assignment_id]

 def delete_signup_as_instructor
   # find participant using assignment using team and topic ids
   team = Team.find(params[:id])
   assignment = Assignment.find(team.parent_id)
   teamUsr = TeamsUser.find_by(team_id:
   user = User.find(teamUsr.user_id)
   participant = AssignmentParticipant.find_by(user_id:, parent_id:
   drop_topic_deadline = assignment.due_dates.find_by_deadline_type_id(6)
   if ! or !
     flash[:error] = "The student has already submitted their work, so you are not allowed to remove them."
   elsif !drop_topic_deadline.nil? and > drop_topic_deadline.due_at
     flash[:error] = "You cannot drop a student after the drop topic deadline!"
     delete_signup_for_topic(, params[:topic_id], participant.user_id)
     flash[:success] = "You have successfully dropped the student from the topic!"
   redirect_to controller: 'assignments', action: 'edit', id:


Since we added new functionality, we needed to create new preconditions for testing the functionality. We describe the preconditions below. Rspec is utilized to perform the unit tests under the spec/controllers/sign_up_sheet_spec.rb file.


We create a three students and an instructor. We also create an assignment to which we add the three students as participants. Three teams are created with one user assigned to each team. The third team is created such that it has already submitted it's work. Three topics are created for the assignment with deadlines. The second and third teams are signed up for topics two and three. The instructor is to add the first student to topic one created for the assignment. The instructor is also to attempt to remove team two and three from being signed up. The objects are refreshed each time.

Test Description Expected Result Tested File Method Tested
Add user to topic with no signed up team Correct user is added to topic Sign_up_sheet_controller.rb signup_as_instructor_action
Username does not exist in database flash[:error] = "The student does not exist!" Sign_up_sheet_controller.rb signup_as_instructor_action
Don’t allow to delete signup if submitted flash[:error] = "The student has already submitted their work, so you are not allowed to remove them." Sign_up_sheet_controller.rb delete_signup_as_instructor
Don’t allow delete signup with passed deadline flash[:error] = "You cannot drop the student after the drop topic deadline!" Sign_up_sheet_controller.rb delete_signup_as_instructor
Redirect Delete Signup Redirects back to topic list page Sign_up_sheet_controller.rb signup_as_instructor_action
Redirect Signup Redirects back to topic list page Sign_up_sheet_controller.rb delete_signup_as_instructor