CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2016 E1683 Team-based reviewing

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In Expertiza, students can review others’ work. However, currently all reviews are done by individuals, regardless of whether the assignment is assigned as individuals or teams. In team assignments, when the team member reviews an assignment, his/her review is independent from his/her teammates’ reviews.

To encourage students to discuss together and review carefully, it is sometimes reasonable for students to submit their reviews as a team. And apparently, team-based reviewing can reduce the workload of each student.

In a word, the main purpose of this project is to achieve the function of team-based reviewing and ensure that Expertiza works well with the change.


Based on the design documents, the basic project design is proposed below.

Data Design

In Expertiza, we have ResponseMap, which is the object that records who reviews whom. In ResponseMap, there are two attributes: reviewer_id and reviewee_id. The reviewee_id is the ID of the Team, which indicates which team is being reviewed. And the reviewer_id is the ID of Participant, which specifies a user who is participating in this assignment.

To achieve function of team-based reviewing, a boolean field reviewer_is_team needs to be added to ResponseMap to determines whether the reviewer is a AssignmentParticipant or an AssignmentTeam. If reviewer_is_team is true, then the reviewer_id would refer to a record in the teams table, not a record in the participants table.

And a field reviewer_is_team is also need to be added to the assignments table as well to indicate the review of assignment is an individual-based reviewing or team-based reviewing.

Interface Design

Several parts of the system need to work regardless of whether the reviewer is an individual or a team, like “View my scores” and “Alternative view”. The scores are given as team if the reviewing type is team-based.

   def view_my_score
      + Give all team members the same score

For an Instructor to specify whether the reviewing is team-based or individual-based, we are intended to provide a dropdown on the Review Strategy tab of assignment creation.

   + Add a select tag to let instructor choose the reviewing type
   def edit
      + Accept the value from view and assign it to assignment

We set a lock in editing review, so that other team member cannot start to edit a review at the same time that one team member is editing it. The error message is considered to be displayed by flash[:alert].

   def edit
      + Set a lock allowing only one student editing review at the same time

Test Design

RSpec is a testing framework for Rails, and is a Behavioral-Driven Development tool. It is a domain specific language(DSL). All the tests can be executed by rspec spec command, or can also be executed individually using the command "rspec spec/models/assignment_team_spec.rb. We intend to write unit tests using RSpec for all the methods which we modified/created. We intend to write unit tests using RSpec for all the methods which we modified/created. And also the basic test case is proposed for UI test.

Test Name Prerequisites Test Procedure Expected Results
Edit reviewing type of assignments 1. User is an Instructor 2. At leaset one assignments can be edited 1. Log into Expertiza 2. Edit assignments 3. Change reviewing type under Review Strategy The reviewing type is changed (in database)
Edit reviews at the same time 1. Two users at the same team as Students 2. At least one assignments can be reviewed 1. Two users log into Expertiza. 2. One start editing review and the other try submitting at the same time An alert message will be displayed
View scores 1. Two users at the same team as Students 2. At least one assignments is graded 1. Two users log into Expertiza. 2. Click "your score" under one assignment page The page works well and the score is the same