CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2014/OSS E1450 cxm

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E1450: UI change for assignment view

What it does: Change UI of Expertiza to support varying rubric feature (allow instructors to specify different review rubrics for different review rounds)

Background Information

What is Expertiza?

Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). The Expertiza project is supported by the National Science Foundation<ref></ref>. The Expertiza project is software to create reusable learning objects through peer review. It also supports team projects, and the submission of almost any document type, including URLs and wiki pages<ref></ref>.


JavaScript is a dynamic programming language of the Web browsers. Despite some naming, syntactic, and standard library similarities, JavaScript and Java are otherwise unrelated and have very different semantics. The syntax of JavaScript is actually derived from C, while the semantics and design are influenced by Self and Scheme programming languages<ref></ref>.

Project Description

Classes involved:controllers/assignment_controller.rb (488 lines)
views/assignment/edit.html.erb (55 lines) in production branch (not in master branch)

What needs to be done:

This project requires JavaScript knowledge.

  • A checkbox “Review rubrics vary by round” should be added to the “General” tab in the view of creating/editing assignment. No corresponding field in “assignments” table is necessary. We can tell if this checkbox should be checked by checking “assignments_questionnaires” table by current assignment_id. If there is no record with a non-null value in “used_in_round” field, this assignment is not using this feature and the checkbox should not be checked. (if one assignment has 2 rounds but they are using the same set of rubrics, for each type of rubric there should be only one entry with “used_in_round” field null)R
  • 4 checkboxes “Review rubrics vary by round” should be added on the “rubrics” tab. each one denotes for each type of rubric (review, metareview, author feedback and teammate review) for which the instructor wants to use different rubrics. Again, no corresponding DB field is necessary. If the checkbox on the “General” tab is selected, on the “rubrics” tab, the “Review rubrics vary by round” checkbox for “review” will be selected automatically
  • There should be a editable “deadline name” for each due date on “due date” panel if this type of review is specified to be “varying by rounds” in the “rubrics” tab (the input should be recorded in deadline_name field in due_dates table)
  • Another “description URL” text box should be editable when this type of review is specified to be “varying by rounds” in the “rubrics” tab (the input should be recorded in description_url field in due_dates table)
  • A drop-down box which help instructor to select review rubric should be added for a review round when this type of review is specified to be “varying by rounds” in the “rubrics” tab (the input should be recorded in assignments_questionnaires table)
  • There are no tests for the code. Create appropriate functional and integration tests.

Design Patterns

Environment Setup

Since we are developing on the Production branch, in stead of the Rails4 branch, the environment for us would be different from the majority of the class. Here is the list:

Ruby: 1.8.7

Rails: 2.3.15

Java: 1.6

Openjdk: 6.0

Database: expertiza_scrubbed_2014_03_14.sql

Code Modifications

Case 1: Add Checkbox on "General" Tab

Current Scenario

After Changes

Case 2: Add 4 Checkbox on "Rubric" Tab

Current Scenario

After Changes

Case 3: Add "Deadline_name" and "Description_url" on "Due_date" Tab

Current Scenario

After Changes

Case 4: Add Dropdown-box to Select Review Rubric

Current Scenario

After Changes

Add Cucumber Tests
