Csc/ece 517 fall 2007/wiki3 p1
Two of the important Agile methodologies that we have not said much about in this course are collective ownership and continuous integration. What are the best definitions or examples you can find? Are these widely practiced? Are they controversial? Are there adherents of other design methodologies who consider them harmful? Investigate, through the Web and through the ACM DL.
Continuous Integration
What Is Continuous Integration?
Definition 1
Continuous Integration refers to the practice of committing every smallest change no matter how small to a revision control system.
Continuous integration is a software engineering term describing a process that completely rebuilds and tests an application frequently.Continuous integration is accomplished via a serialized build process. At the completion of a task, the developer (or development pair) takes a build token and runs the build process, including tests. If the tests pass, the task can be committed to the source code repository and release the token.