CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2013/oss E820 gzs
Testing Steps
-Login with Admin credentials -Database with Assignments, topics and teams (both individual and multiple user teams) already setup. - View Sign_up Sheet, Reports and View_scores for each assignment, to observe the changes wherein, only username is displayed if team size is 1, in place of team name otherwise.
Modifications to Existing Code
Changed file: Signed_up_user.rb
In admin Mode, the view path for observing the needed changes: Home-> Assignment -> Sign-up Sheet, which should display the team name if team size >1, else it displays the username.
if team_name_added == false if participant_names.size==1 names = participant_name.u_name else names = participant_name.team_name
Changed file: grades\_team.html.erb
In admin Mode, the view path for observing the needed changes: Home-> Assignment -> View_Score, which should display the team name if team size >1, else it displays the username.
<% if tscore[:team].get_participants.size!=1 %>
<%= tscore[:team].name %>
<% else %>
<%= tscore[:team] %>
<% end %>
Changed file: _reports.html.erb
In admin Mode, the view path for observing the needed changes: Home-> Review Mapping -> Reports, which should display the team name if team size >1, else it displays the username.
<% if Team.find(ri.reviewee_id).users.size==1 %> <%= Team.find(ri.reviewee_id) %> <% else %> <%= Team.find(ri.reviewee_id).name %> <% end %>
Code Clean up, Changed file: _reports.html.erb
<% if @assignment.team_assignment %> Team reviewed <% else %> Participant reviewed <% end %>
=> Replaced with: Team reviewed
Additional Learning and Future Work
- Setting and debugging the master Expertiza branch.
- Code clean up done besides the requirements of the project.
- Design choice for the changes made in partial files such that code reuse can be maximised.
- Cucumber testing scenarios for the changes made: Work In Progress
- Further code smells need to be processed for more elegance.
General Information
- Ganqin Huang (ghuang2)
- Zhicheng Wu (zwu5)
- Shalini Chauhan(schauha)