CSC/ECE 506 Spring 2011/ch11 BB EP

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State Diagrams



Race Conditions

In a distributed shared memory system with caching, the emergence of race conditions is extremely likely. This is mainly due to the lack of a bus for serialization of actions. It is further compounded by the problem of network errors and congestion.

The early invalidation case from Section 11.4 in Solihin is an excellent example of a race condition that can arise in a distributed system. Recall the diagram from the text, and the cache coherence actions.

1. A sends a read request to home. 2. Home replies with data (but the message gets delayed). 3. B sends a write request to home. 4. Home sends invalidation to A, and it arrives before the ReplyD

Prevention in the SCI Protocol

Race conditions are almost non-existent in the SCI protocol, due primarily to the protocol's design.

Head Node

Memory Access

Atomic Transactions

Possible Race Conditions

Communication Delays

Concurrent List Deletions

Simultaneous Deletion and Invalidation


Definitions and Terms
