CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2009/wiki2 11 zv
Before starting off with design patterns for Ruby we need to define what a design pattern is, Design patterns can be described as "a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design." [1] The idea of design patterns is to not to reinvent the wheel but to solve the current problems by using solutions that have worked in the past. A design pattern names, abstracts, and identifies the key aspects of a common design structure that make it useful for creating a reusable object-oriented design. It helps to identify the classes and instances and the way they collaborate with each other to form a solution to a problem. Design patterns c an be classified into 3 parts Creational, Structural, Behavioral (See if we can give links for these.)
Factories The factory design pattern is an object oriented design pattern. It is a creational design pattern and deals with the issues faced in creating objects. The main goal of this implementation is to isolate teh code that creates the class form the concete implementation of that class. Ruby example for the same is given below.
Example of Factory Code
class GearFactory def new() if ( ... some condition ) return else return Cog().new() end end end
Our client class now becomes:
class GearUser def doSomething(factory ) ... my_gear = ... end end
The above code does not have to distinguish between a factory and an ordinary class. We can call the class using the followijng code.
client.doSomething( #Use the factory client.doSomething(Cog) #Use the Cog class client.doSomething(Sprocket) #Use the Sprocket class
AbstractFactory Model
Abstract Factory Design Pattern encapsulates a group of objects that have common theme. It implements a generic interface to create these objects that are part of the theme. It does not care about the details of the implementation of these objects. It is a type of Creational pattern [2] “Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes” [3]
Ruby automatically implements the Abstract Factory pattern as Class Objects. All Class objects have the same interface: the new method of each class object creates new instances of the class. Thus the code can pass references to class objects around and they can be used to call new method without knowing the exact type of object that the class creates.
Class Foo; end Class Bar, end
Here is the use of Abstract Factory Pattern
def create_something(factory) New_object =
Puts “created a new #{new_object.class} with a factory”
Here we select a factory to use
Create_something(Foo) Create_something(Bar)
Output of the code: Created a Foo with a factory Created a Bar with a factory