CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2009/wiki1a 6 aa

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CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2009/wiki1a 6 aa


This page tries to review Integrated Development Environments for Ruby such as Aptana,Rubymine and Netbeans. Also the IDEs are compared with respect to certain dimensions such as facilities, ease of use, system requirements, and support for the Ruby way of thinking.

Different IDEs for Ruby

Ruby being one of the fast growinglanguges for web development has currently has many Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) that support it.the following list gives different IDEs currently in market which support Ruby on Rails and Ruby.

Comparision of Aptana,Netbeans and Rubymine

Three prominent IDEs namely Aptana, Netbeans and Rubymine are compared in the following sections with respect to features offered with respect to both ruby and Ruby on Rails

System Requirements

The three IDEs mentioned support cross platform and their minimum hardware requirement is given below for different operating systems

Aptana studio

       Windows : 512 MB RAM ,Pentium 4-level processor. 
       Mac OS  : 512 MB RAM,G5 or Intel-based machine. 
       Linux   : 512 MB RAM,Pentium 4-level processor. 


       Windows   :  780 MHz Intel Pentium III, 512 MB. 
       Solaris   :  500 MHz UltraTM 60 workstation, 512 MB. 
       Linux     :  800 MHz Intel Pentium III,512 MB. 


       Windows   :  Intel Pentium III/800 MHz or higher, 256 MB , Ruby SDK version 1.8.x.
       Mac OS    :  1.42 GHz G4, G5 or Intel-based Mac, 256 MB , Ruby SDK version 1.8.x.
       Linux     :  Intel Pentium III/800 MHz or higher, 256 MB , Sun JDK 1.6,GNOME or KDE desktop,Ruby SDK version 1.8.x.

Features for Ruby


Radrails Netbeans Rubymine
Price Free Free $99
License Type Open Source Open Source Commercial
Available Standalone or as Eclipse Plugin Available Not Available Not Available


Radrails Netbeans Rubymine
Code completion Available Available Available
Syntax Highlighting Available Available Available
Code analysis (warnings/errors/hints) Available Available Available
spell checking support Available Available Available
Type Hierarchy View Available Not Available Available
Smart Indent Available Available Available


Refactoring is a disciplined technique for improving the structure of existing code without changing the observable behavior.

Radrails Netbeans Rubymine
Renaming Available Available Available
Extract method Available Available Available
Inline class Available Not Available Available
Inline method Available Not Available Available

Version Control Integration

Netbeans IDE directly supports CVS root types.For SVN the access is via custom protocol to an SVN server. For Git supports subversion ,mercurial,and Git repositories.even we can specify our external source code

For Rubymine CVS is installed and turned on automatically. the Git integration is enabled. it supports SVN repositories too along with perforce( one of the subversions) integration

Radrails has the feature to install the three things as plugins.

Radrails Netbeans Rubymine
SVN Available Available Available
Git Available Available Available
CVS Available Available Available

Debugging Features

All the Three IDE's supports ruby-debuggers.

Netbeans supports classic debugger which is slow and ruby debugger, which is fast and only works with native ruby interpreter.

Aptana also supports classic and ruby debugger. Classic is a pure ruby debugger based on debug.rb script. Classic 1.8.0 and 1.8.2 works on windows. Aptana offers ability to run a debugger using ruby debug gem as background.

Rubymine offers ruby debugging. Rubymine has convenient user interface. It allows smart and flexible breakpoint insertions. It also allows remote debugging features. It has Built in Expression Evaluator.

Features for Ruby on Rails
